Wednesday, November 26, 2008

news from the swamp

Well, actually, i don't live in a swamp anymore. But i just like that as a title...
The water has gone, no more flooding under the house. Things around our area are still a little stinky, and people are still cleaning up, but the good thing is that it hasn't flooded again and we didn't lose anything.
The water was knee high under our house... we were right on the edge of the flooding, the house next door didn't have any flooding at all. So, we were lucky. The house on the other side of the vacant block of land, had to pump the water out of their backyard and under their house.
Anyway.. its all good at ours again. We were worried about the storm everyone was predicting on Saturday, meant to be another crazy wild thing that was going to tear through again.. but it never happened. It was funny though, on the news that day they had shown people taping their windows and sandbagging, getting ready for the big storm.. and it never came.
But, the creek near us is still incredibly high. It hasn't gone down at all. It used to go up and down with the tides, now its just high. Not only that, but its not moving anymore either... its all full of debri and rubbish, and its not flowing... just stagnating.... hmm.. not good... if we get another downpour, we may be in trouble again...
Will be on weather watch!
In other news, we got the windows on the truck tinted! On Friday last week.. looks really good. Makes a huge difference having the windows darker... looks much cooler.. heheh
And, i have also just sent off my application to Qtac to study a Bachelor of Creative Enterprise next year through CQU! Am going to be a uni student again... I'm enrolling externally, so that i can keep working, and study after work. It could be difficult, but i think it will be really good for me. My second choice is a Bachelor of Business, but I think the Creative Enterprise will be more interesting. :) Am sort of looking forward to it...
Its also just hit me that Christmas is a month away! YIKES! I might try and get some time off work in January, or after Christmas sometime.. maybe a week or two. Have to talk to work here and see when others are going on holiday etc.

Am hoping i can... a holiday would be nice...


Ursula said...

Well, have your rowing boat ready for the next big deluge! Any mosquitos?
Truck's getting personalized by the sound of it.
Do you have a name for it"
Uni student - well, I always thought you're going to need something else to get your teeth into. Should be a nice challenge, though.

kaniganman said...

Well done Lizabel! Glad to hear you're going to study some more.
High water in the creek and not flowing.. not so good.
For once you city slickers had wild weather trouble! We only had some good rain out of all that.