The bridge... it was bigger than I thought, I was quite surprised. We even saw some people climbing it, actually they were climbing down. We walked right under it...

Here is a picture looking over to Luna Park, from Observatory Hill (or something). Not a bad view eh?

Bondi Beach! Couldn't visit Sydney without heading out there, even though it was FREEZING cold and windy and rainy... we still got there!

And then to Melbourne. Here is a little picture of St Kilda beach. We had perfect weather in Melbourne, not cold at all, and sunny! Spent the day at St Kilda soaking up the sunshine.
This picture isn't so great, its of the fire show outside the casino at Southbank. Its so cool! Basically its these big spires, that on the hour they spurt fire! heh.. is the easiest way I can describe it.. its brilliant. You can really feel the heat too.. gets really hot standing underneath them.
Flying home, beautiful clouds...

Who's this guy? Well, meet my boyfriend, Marcel. :)