Saturday, December 29, 2007


Finally, its all over. And just beginning.
I am moved, I am living somewhere new... Its really fantastic here. The new apartment is almost all set up... we still would like to get a few things such as shelves, and little tables etc. But the rest of it is all set up. Its so good. I am really relieved that its all finally done and dusted. I no longer have to worry about moving, or cleaning, or anything... so good. These past 2 days have been so great, just because I don't have that moving thing in the back of the mind.
Mateus and I are really loving it. It finally feels like we have somewhere thats our own, and can be ourselves completely without having to worry about timing or anything. Its really really good. We can actually relax and just be...
I am loving being so central to everything, its proving very very convenient. Just thinking that I don't have to catch a train home is bliss!
I even had my hair done today to celebrate! Again, finally... Feels much better being shorter and darker...
So things are settled, and I am feeling 100% better. Just have to shake this slight cold...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

stressed i must be

So, found out the other week, that I must be stressed... why do I say must? Well, I broke out in these weird blisters. Horrible things on my chin and my neck. I had the flu already, and my glands swelled up, awful, never had that happen before. Then I broke out in these horrible blisters on my chin and my neck. At first, I just ignored them... lalala, its nothing. Then they got worse... and they didn't go away. I decided that the next step would be to look up these things on the internet and self diagnose myself. HA! You want to know what came up when I typed in "cough +swollen glands +blisters"? The PLAGUE! hahaha... oh joyous me. I seem to be dying... Yes, then I continued to ignore them... and then they got worse. Fine, I decided to go to a chemist, see what they thought. They thought I should go to a doctor and get a prescription for an antibiotic. Ahh... so, to the doctor I went, and she put me on antibiotics. At the worst possible time in the world, the day before my Christmas party!!! GAR! Last year I had a joyous time at our Christmas party and got rightly sloshed... I was looking forward to spending another Christmas party doing the same... and now couldn't! Great... Anyway, the doctor confirmed that it was a stress thing... Apparently we have all these bacteria on our skin, and when we get run down (flu) and stressed (moving) they can sometimes break out. Ahh.. so I really am stressed. I didn't really realise... but yeah... its funny the way stress manifests itself. And breaking down in the doctors office when she asks me if I am okay would confirm it... :}
Anyway... things are better now. The blisters have stopped growing.. and now I have what looks like a vampire bite on my neck. Just two dots... I like 'em... hehe... I vant to suck your blood!!! >:) muwahahahahah (do you like my evil laugh?)
I have started packing my house... its going well. Just have to pack the kitchen things, and some other random stuff that accumulates around the house. And clean... *groan* Might actually get a start on that tonight... cleaning the windows, maybe attempting to scrub the mould out of my shower... scrubbing the scum of the shower recess wall thing.. what is that called? Shower screen? Whatever... It will not be pretty... hehe.
Have even started Christmas shopping! Woo-hoo! Ahmm... for all those family members that are overseas... your presents will be late. SORRY!!! The rest are coming along nicely... ;)
So, things are coming along much better. I plan to be all packed up and ready for a quick move next week. Well, Christmas first... then come back to move on the Thursday. Thank you for all that have said they would help... tis much appreciated!! *hugs* I will make it up to you one day!!!! You just name it!!
I also have discovered some new music... I know I have been posting a few videos lately. Its what I've been doing at work lately... (We're pretty quiet at the moment, and I'm looking forward to having a week off. So I spend my days doing little bits of work interspersed with checking my email for the 157th time, checking blogs, checking flickr sites and checking facebook... haha, and finding favourites on etsy too... ;)). Anyway, my new discovery... heh... I love the film clip, and actually, the lyrics are really appropriate for what I went through in my recent breakup.. but anyway.. Bat for Lashes. My new discovery. Do a search sometime, I think you'd like her... :)

And now, the film clip: (P.S: I want my own bizarre bicycle posse!)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

hey boy

need i say more... hahaha

Monday, December 10, 2007


I seem to be in a state of constant anticipation.
Its terrible.

I can't move in to my new place until the 24th of December. Yes... incredible timing. I was thinking I could move on the 24th, in the morning, and then go home for Christmas in the afternoon, or maybe just skip Christmas this year... but then I slapped myself around the head. Stupid! As if I could miss Christmas! So, I have now thought better, and decided to go home for Christmas and move afterwards... around the 27th or something. Just a little frustrating that I have to wait a month after I've been accepted for an apartment before I can actually move into it!

Anticipating a bit of revenge from my boss too.. hehe. Its our work Christmas party this Friday. And I did upload some hilarious shots of him walking around with a tie on his head for his birthday onto facebook. Hahah. Incredibly funny, although I believe I may have signed my own death warrant with that... hehe.. chuckle chuckle. It was worth it.

I don't really like living in this state of anticipation. I don't want to think about things too much, cause then I get all caught up in it and worked up. But at the same time, I know that if i don't start packing soon, I will end up in a little bit of a flurry when I do actually have to move. But, that will be okay, as long as I can get the whole moving and Christmas being at the same time.

Christmas shopping is a nightmare. I went out to get a secret santa present today for work and found myself glaring and muttering at the crowds. Arg... they are too slow. I need to get in and out, not wander through and look at things.. mutter mutter. Haha... When I have time to wander I will, but not when I have to get something quick on my lunch break...

Why are we waiting, slowly dehydrating... :)