Saturday, December 29, 2007


Finally, its all over. And just beginning.
I am moved, I am living somewhere new... Its really fantastic here. The new apartment is almost all set up... we still would like to get a few things such as shelves, and little tables etc. But the rest of it is all set up. Its so good. I am really relieved that its all finally done and dusted. I no longer have to worry about moving, or cleaning, or anything... so good. These past 2 days have been so great, just because I don't have that moving thing in the back of the mind.
Mateus and I are really loving it. It finally feels like we have somewhere thats our own, and can be ourselves completely without having to worry about timing or anything. Its really really good. We can actually relax and just be...
I am loving being so central to everything, its proving very very convenient. Just thinking that I don't have to catch a train home is bliss!
I even had my hair done today to celebrate! Again, finally... Feels much better being shorter and darker...
So things are settled, and I am feeling 100% better. Just have to shake this slight cold...

1 comment:

Ursula said...

Great! Put your feet up - you deserve it!