On with the photos.. ;)
Here is the kitchen and you can see the dining there too... on the right hand side is the second bedroom door... frame... no door.. ;)
The favourite place of all, the hammock and bbq! hehe.. on our back deck... its so nice... i have finally put that hammock up, well actually Mateus put it up, i just lay around in it!
The other side of the deck, sorry about the rubbish in the corner.. bin day is today... hehe... nice screen there so we have some privacy from the neighbours at that side. The neighbours, by the way, have a great big german shepherd called Bear... heheh.. He is just like one!
The backyard.. with the same clothes line as home home! Even has little papaws growing in the corner... :) Mateus is super excited... hehe
And finally, the view from the other side of the house.. looking towards the front door.
So, there is the house.. its sweet and little and the perfect size for us.. Ivan and Jess moved with us too.. we're not sure if they will stay on with us or not... not too worried about that at the moment...
Things are going really well here. We've been spending a lot of the weekends fixing the van and setting up the house.. and yeah, its been really good. Its Mateus' birthday today, so we had a bit of a celebration on the weekend. Cake (chocolate and coconut cake with a dash or two of rum in it.. ;)), I got him tickets to a reggae festival thats being held over on Stradbroke Island in October, so he's started setting the van up as a camper van, building a little bed frame etc. Its so nice to be able to spend time together like that....
And... I have something else.. A new piercing! Hehehe.. I got my bottom lip pierced!! In the middle... its going to eventually be a little spike, but at the moment its a bigger one, to deal with the swelling.. I got it done on Saturday, so its still pretty new.. but i really like it... My lip is a teensy bit fat, but its not really noticeable.. which is good.
TA DA!!!
cute huh?? ;) hehehe....
happy birthday Mateus!
your piercing looks sooo cute! it really suits you. :)
i will pass on the birthday wish... :) Yeah.. the piercing is supppppppper cute... i love it.. still getting used to it.. but its nice... not hurting or anything.. :)
Wow! Only have to go away for a few weeks and now there are so many news and things to catch up with! Wishing you happiness in your cosy little house!
Ouch - piercing - suits you though.
Mateus - happy birthday!
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