Friday, January 16, 2009

proof that i'm spending too much time on the internet

hehehe... Proof that i'm probably spending a little too much time on the internet than actually doing any work:


I love the IT Crowd too... :D

Anyway, I should be working.. and preparing work for while I'm away on holidays. Yes! I'm taking holidays for 2 and a half weeks.. YAY for me! Next wednesday is my first day on holiday.. and i'm really looking forward to it... We're going somewhere, we don't know where yet.. Going to get everything together and then drive south.. somewhere... heheh.. We have to get the truck fixed first.. well we'd like to.
And yeah.. going away together before Mateus leaves for Brazil for his little holiday over there..
I'm looking forward to holidays.. a lot. I've even decided to go and get a massage.. which is a very indulgent.. heh... Thinking to get one of those hot stone massages... they look good, and stones! How earthy!
Oh.. i really don't want to work today... bleh


anouk said...

hehee, i've never seen the IT crowd before....Mars was laughing! like the truest moment when he doesn't pick up the phone for ages!
I'm so allergic to phones at the moment.

ooo0ooh a holiday and a hot stone massage sounds heavenly!

Eileen said...

You've got us on to the IT crowd now too, I love it!

Hope you're having a great holiday!