Tuesday, May 10, 2011


but I wish I was still on holidays...

and on an island...

where it is warm...

and there are a lot of hammocks...

and we could all be there...

Lets go??


I wrote that last week, and didn't post it... wanted to add a picture, but I will put some photos up on flickr instead.
So we're back... back in business. Well, not so much, but we're back none the less.
I got sick last week too... must be my body rejecting the fact that I have to go to work again... ;) hehe Probably picked it up on the plane, just a cold. Getting better now... but not getting better at this whole get up and go to work. I would very much like to just wake up when I wanted to rather than to an alarm. That was nice... and now that its colder and darker here it would be nice to wake up whenever I felt like it... or at least later... :)
Holidays are over - trying to get this ball rolling again

1 comment:

anouk said...

i'd love to go!
a holiday, a whole-day
and a good book!
i hear ya, i'm sure you'll get your groove
back pretty soon.
can't wait to see pics!