lim.bo n. pl. lim·bos
An intermediate place or state.
That is me at the moment... I am living in an intermediate place... half way between home and home.
We move this Wednesday... which meant we spent all day yesterday packing and have already cleaned most of the house. Everything that we own is in bags or boxes lying around the apartment, or dismantled on the balcony ready for moving.
I don't really like this state of living... feels like I'm not actually anywhere. I mean, I am there, but at the same time, I am not.
Also, being sick doesn't help... Sick all last week with the flu.. lost my voice again... Heh.. Its beginning to be a regular occurrence when I get sick with a cold/flu that I loose my voice! Which is strange, I mean, I don't talk all THAT much... Anyway, its fun to be all husky... ;) Personally, I wish my voice would stay that way. But, I am getting better... its almost gone now. I will be happy once I am better again... can start to LIVE again... rather than wandering around in this drugged up sick state of mind.
Few more days, and it should be all smooth sailing again... HURRAH!
Only one more sleep before you'll be moving! In a couple of days it'll be more relaxing for you again.
Before you know it, you'll have settled.
Good luck with your moving and best wishes for a happy home at the Parklands!
i hope the move is going good!
gosh golly i love getting a husky voice too, mostly coz when you talk normal people can actually hear you!
hope you get better soon though
many many hugs and nose nuzzles from willow to you!
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