Tuesday, November 14, 2006

weekend antics

Things I learnt over the weekend:

1). I cannot sing... Okay, I already knew that. But I really c-a-n'-t sing. We had a bit of a celebration on Friday night for one of the people I work with who is getting married, (actually got married yesterday). Anyway, we had a big night on Friday. It began with champagne and wine, then we went to a Karaoke club. Ever seen one of those? Well, let me explain. Basically, you rent out a room, and inside the room is a Karaoke machine, and some couches and a table. So the idea is, you drink a lot, and sing (very badly). Haha... Drinking is the key, so get some more drinks; beer, and then a tequila, then some more beer. Then you can just let loose. I did a particularly fantastic version of Bohemian Rhapsody. And I must say I am particularly good at the rock out part!! ;) HAHAHA (In fact, I'm so good at not singing, that I actually lost my voice!! I think my idea of singing is raising my voice, people would probably call that yelling.. hahah)

2). Eating croissants and strawberries by the river is a good way to start a Sunday. G & I went to the Riverside markets on Sunday morning, which are actually pretty good compared to the other markets around. All these fresh fruit and veg stalls, and fresh baked breads, real French crepes, and Greek baked sweets... yummo!

3). Good Food and Wine Shows are great! Get to taste test lots of different wines, some beer and some food, but mainly the wine and the beer. G and I went a little late on Sunday afternoon, and man, we should have gone earlier!! Free samples!! Fantastic... And you could really pick out the people that had been there all day, they were walking through Southbank with their wine glasses (you have to buy a wine glass for all the sampling) and giggling... haha. I must say, we did pretty well in the hour and a half that we had there to get affected as we were. Hehehe.



kerstin said...

hahahaa, your posts are so entertaining!
sounds like you had a fun weekend! we wanna eat croissants and eat strawberries!
oh! i remember going to a food and wine show in tassie, hahaha, they are funny alright, especially when you buy your wine glass, i had trouble pretending to be interested in the wine i was tasting. hehee.
hehheheheee i can just imagine you rocking on! wish i could have been there.

lisbeth said...

Hahaha! Yeah, George & I walked around, asked for a taste of this wine and that wine. Swirled it a little, had a sip, made little taste noises, said "mm, its good", giggled and then scurried away. Thats why the beer places were so good! No pretentious wine connoisseurs there!!