Happy Birthday to me!
I spent the day getting a LOT of birthday wishes and congratulations and "How old are you?" followed by "Your so young!" Hahah...

Fi bought me this bright and sparkly balloon and tied it to my chair at work, so that everyone knew. Including the rest of the people in the building when one of the 5 lifts infront of my desk opened... Yes, it was delightful. Strangely enough, people still asked who's birthday it was... Hmm, that would be me!

We also had cake, of course. It was a banana cake... but not your standard tasting banana cake with nuts and spices and things. No it was a banana lolly cake! Bright yellow, with bright yellow icing and tasted like banana lollies... I was wondering how they made it, I think they must have melted them down and mixed them into the batter or something. Seriously, it tasted just like banana lollies... intriguing!

Got a sweet little card from K! Thanks! It made me smile a lot... I did get another sweet little card from Marcel, but I believe it may have been waylaid last night somewhere. Possibly at the DownUnder Bar.. ;) hahah!

Oh, my gifts.. so, I got a tim tam from one of the Korean girls at school, and a coffee caramel from a Colombian boy, an orange gerbera from Robyn, but that was kindly donated to the Victory... along with my balloon. ;) I also got some strawberry body lotion which smells like Strawberry Shortcake Dolls. AND I bought myself a new watch!! I love it... Digital, and leather! A first for me.. but its really nice... The only thing is, I will have to remember to take it off when I have a shower etc... But anyway, its perrrrrrrty!

Went out for dinner, excuse the strange expression on my face here.. I really hate photos like this... anyway, had dinner with Marcel at a little cafe... and then we went to the chocolate shop and bought a couple of sweets! Yummy... Then we continued on, first to the Victory, then to the DownUnder Bar, as all of the planters that Marcel worked with up north are back in Brisbane for the night and day. Tomorrow most of them will fly over to Perth... so we had a bit of a celebration. Hehe...
Today is the day... BBQ!!
Have to go and get ready... E has very kindly donated her services as carrier.. haha. Will be helping us shop and take all the beer and food to Southbank. We have recruited a Colombian friend to go to Southbank and find a table to guard! We've got a list of 45 people, possibly more.. and we are expecting a lot more to come... so should be fun! I'll take my phone (which is so much better than carrying a camera around) so that I can take some pictures and post them tomorrow.
In the meantime, thank you for all your well wishes etc. I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oooh birthday sparkles and goodness!
I'm glad you had a nice evening!
how strange to see you dining with the city in the background, it's so different to here! it's a pretty picture, i like the candid ones. :)
love your new watch too! especially the leather! make sure you keep it nice and oiled....some lushy lippy would work fine and make it smell sweet too!
Sounds like you were quite the birthday girl at work! hehee i'm glad they all spoilt you with well wishes!
& that banana cake looks very sweet & curious~ :p
i hope you have fun at the bbq!
say hi to eileen!
love you
What a day! Cheers all around!
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