Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Everyday I come into work and the first thing I do after turning on my computer (and unstacking the dishwasher, putting the newspaper out, turning on the presentation screen, tidying the kitchen etc) is head on over to the etsy website to have a look at the pretty things I could buy, and then have a read of their blog posts.

They have a few really good post series' going, namely "Quit your dayjob", the "How Tuesday"'s are good too.. and actually most of it is good.. but the quit your dayjob is drool worthy.. haha..

Just today, they have a sweet little how tuesday post on making paper beeswax boats, they look like fun...
:) Something I would like to make with the nieces...

A nice little quit your dayjob post that makes me want to quit my dayjob...

Can't wait to get home and watch the video Handmade Portraits on reviving vintage motorcycles... (i can't watch these from work.. boo!)

And then I am inspired by this girls style:

Featured Seller Squirrelicious. I like her leggings and shorts and dreads and jacket and bike... haha and her bathmats that she makes, they look like a nice addition to a bathroom... plus she draws cute birds...


anouk said...

oh I lovvve Etsy too!
Just looking is therapy for me. :)
Those beeswax boats look fun to make! We wish you could pop by to make them with us! Maybe we'll try making them for the bathtub one day, or little stream races.

gotta love vintage motorbikes!

and i've seen that girl on Etsy too, her dreads are like another entity, they look grrrreat! and her clothes too, you could pull that off. :)
I notice they're gray. teehee.

Liz said...

Yeah - we all sat and watched that video last night and were saying to that man - hey hey, we'll be the next you! take us on!.

Hahah - yes, they are grey... I do like grey... ;)