Tuesday, July 25, 2006

one of those days

You ever have one of those days where no matter how much work you do, you never seem to get anything done?

Today is one of those days. I swear, I'm stuck in reverse or something. Work just keeps flowing in and I feel like every time I finish something, another 3 things get dumped on my desk!

Its freakin' annoying. No matter how hard I work, I just can't clear anything... Its getting to the stage where I am actually waking up during the night at 3am because I remembered I have to do something else...

Its incredibly tempting to just leave everything and run away. So tempting...


Anonymous said...

temting to leave work... and watch movies all day like me? compared to my lazay life you work really hard every day. i hope the lottery i bought today will blow off your all work and present easy days

Anonymous said...

i feel like that with the housework.
do i ever get mad picking up after boys, over and over and over.
:) i sound like an old biddy now.
ahh well. hehee

lisbeth said...

I would love to have your easy life Yohei, but then again.. you will start working soon, and then you will be even busier than me!

And an old biddy?! FECKLE an old biddy??! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Thats the funniest thing I've ever heard, that will never happen to you sweet!