I am sick. Actually, I don't feel so bad. My head gets a little heavy at night, and when I wake up, and I do have a bit of a sniffly nose. But I think the medicine works for those things...
What it doesn't work for, is my voice (or lack of). I've lost my voice. Started getting a little croaky yesterday at work, and by the end of the day, after talking to all the students and answering phones, it was well and truly on its way out. Woke up this morning without it. I am trying to find it again.. haha.
Actually, it was kind of cool when it first started. I had a husky voice... oooOo haha, normally I have a little light voice, so that was fun. Now its pretty much almost gone. Its just this wheeze/rasp thing. Which makes me laugh everytime I talk, which actually isn't all that great, because I can't laugh either.
Anyway, still smiling, so its not all bad.
I've been drinking lots of tea with honey and lemon, yes Mum I remember! And I've been gargling salty water too. Hopefully that will help. The worst thing is, I've realised I have a dry cough that gives you those horrible coughing fits. Oh joy.. I can't wait to go to work tomorrow! Most likely, I'll have one on the train, or somewhere really quiet with people around. I just had one before... I don't think I've had one of those fits for a few years. Absolutely nightmare worthy... The kind of coughing fits you get when you are sitting an exam or a test, or as I did when I was at university, in the library. Where you cough and cough and cough and cough and cough and it sounds like your going to die because you can't breathe, and your face becomes as red as a tomato, and your eyes start watering.. and in the worst case scenario your nose starts leaking too... And you start freaking out because you can't stop coughing, which makes you cough more, and the little itch just doesn't go away.
Well, I better get back to finding my voice... I wonder where its run off to?