Its winter! Just realised its winter... waking up in the morning in the dark, coming to work in the cold, and going home when its dark and cold. Winter is here! Which means I've cracked out my favourite jacket in the whole world... wearing it everyday! :) And my boots... I LOVE my boots! Heheh. They are my new stable shoes. I don't know how I'll go when it gets a bit warmer and I won't be able to wear them anymore... :( But for the moment, and probably for the next few months, they will be worn with pride!
We seem to have a lot of Robin Hoods studying at the moment. Hehe... lots of the students are walking around with their hoodies up. Its really quite cute. Lots of the South Americans aren't used to the cold, and seem to freeze. Not that it is really cold here, I mean, Brisbane winter isn't anything compared to Canada I'm sure... But they pull out all the warm clothes they can find: beanies, scarves, gloves, big warm jackets, hoodies.. the works!
I really like the cold snap. Apart from the time when you get out of the shower and have to stand naked in the cold while you hurriedly dry yourself and jump into some clothes. Thats the worst! But, I love the fact that everything becomes clear, the sky is REALLY blue, and the stars shine so bright at night time. And I love the way sound travels a lot further when its cold, or it seems to... everythings seems crisp. Crispy fresh!

You should see the sunsets here on the farm, with Biggenden Bluff crystal clear. The starry skies are spectacular and our house is nice and cosy with the wood fire going all day and night! Love it, even though the days are short!
What do you mean it's not cold in Brisbane? It's FREEZING!! ;) Don't know how I'll survive in Canada!
CANADA! WHEN WHEN?! (and yes, today it is FREEZING down here)
august august! i hope. if all goes to plan :)
i love crispy freshness, it's very fairy friendly. ;)
it's crispy fresh here at the moment too, the leaves are green green green and the water is like glass.
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