Monday, June 25, 2007


I got through a whole Spin Class without taking a break! Woop woop! Okay, that is something to celebrate... It was hard, but I got through it. No stops when we did the uphill climbs at all! Am so impressed with myself.. or mainly my legs. Haha, they actually got through it!
Trust me, its a victory for me... ;)

And, I joined a fun little blog today, a secret fairy society. Where you send off little packages of goodies to different people around the world.. Well, I emailed and hopefully I'll be able to join. Anyway, the package exchange theme is: Tea Party! Yeah, its sweet... :) I'm looking forward to it already. Trying to think of little things I could send is fun... and to think that I will get something too! How sweet!
Packages are the best aren't they? Its really magic... And maybe thats just because I have memories of getting packages from Oma. The smarties in the tubes, and the little handkerchiefs etc. I remember.. vaguely, mainly I remember the feeling rather than what was inside.. other than the smarties!! Haha...
Definitely going to send out more packages and letters... :)

1 comment:

kerstin said...

ahhh Tea Party! sounds so good! & so tempting to join in too but it's hard to find cute things around here....i guess i could make them.
Those smarties in a tube will always have a special place in my memory too.
yesyes, letters and packages are so much fun!

ps- congrats on getting through a spin class without stopping! wooh! i can just imagine how challenging it would be.