Friday, August 31, 2007

inspire me

I've been wondering... about some things lately. Mainly about things that I could do, career wise... or something. Not necessarily a career, in such that it would mean being business focused, but more like a calling.
You know how there are people out there that quit their day jobs to pursue their passions? Start up their own fashion label, or start a cafe, or write a book... these kind of pursuits...

And I've been thinking and thinking.. if I had no restrictions, financial or experience wise, what would I do? Hmm... What would my calling be?

Would I start up my own cafe? Start a baking business, I've always loved baking, why not try and make something of it? Start a design company, I remember Erin, Jo and I had this brilliant idea to create t-shirts that were different, funny and so much better than the fashions that are out there at the moment! Run a B & B, wouldn't that be sweet... a little country B & B, a cottage somewhere.... Be a writer, always thought that would be fun, writing a witty little column in a magazine or a newspaper, or write a book. Run a scooter hire business in the south of France or in Italy or something.. (hehe).

But I'm wondering, what is it that I would be most suited for? All these things sound incredibly sweet, romantic, creative and fun... But are they me? So, I'm calling for ideas... Throw them at me... I need inspiration!


kerstin said...

i could see you writing a witty little column in a newspaper! and aslo run a b&b,
you've got a natural talent for tending to people and great business skills too i think.

kaniganman said...

You could write! A weekly column in something would be a good start. You don't run out of ideas here keeping everyone entertained!