Sunday, August 26, 2007

looking ahead

Meet my niece! Willow Rose... she is gorgeous isn't she? And she has lots of fairy guardians... ;) Plus a few very happy aunts and an uncle, and beaming grandparents too! I wish I could be there with you! I will one day, maybe not so far away!
Busy week, a lot of turmoil at work again. More change is on the cards, after Fi finished up on Friday. She has a new job, and will be on the lookout for the rest of us! Although, I don't really want to get another new job here in Brisbane... Looks like Pam and Robyn will be moving on soon too. Pam to Sydney, and Robyn... who knows yet. And then there are my plans. My plans... at the moment stand like this:
- Visit Marcel in Rockhampton for a few days in September
- Go to New Zealand in October for a week and a half
- Hand in my resignation, to finish up at the end of November
- Work somewhere, maybe go and plant with Marcel... or another job like that... leave Brisbane basically, and go somewhere to work work work and save save save.
- Be here when Marcel's brother arrives in January, help him settle in to life in Brisbane
I've already started, I've got 3 days holiday in September, and am just waiting to see where I can stay in Rockhampton. Then I'll book flights etc. But I'm spending most of my time looking up New Zealand now.. hah.. much more exciting than Rockhampton. I think I have things worked out. We'll head over to Auckland on the 10th of October, and rent a campervan to travel around the north island for 10 days. I have been trying to work out quotes and flights, where to travel to, what to do... But basically, I figure we'll just go with the flow. Then we'll fly back to Brisbane from Wellington on the 20th... 10 days. I can't wait!!! Found these cool campervans you can hire that have art painted all over them, pictures of The Wild Things from "Where the wild things are", Jimi Hendrix, Maori art... heaps of designs, and you get to choose which van you would prefer! Well, you tell them your top three designs, and if they are available, you get it! Pretty cool... But hard to decide which three!! Anyway, we're really excited about going to the Land of the Long White Cloud... So much to do!
And, when I come back, I will tell work about these round the world travel plans. I went through a bit of a "should I" / "shouldn't I" thing when it came to leaving work... But I have been given an answer. Instead of just handing in my resignation and leaving work for good, (I do have a lot of opportunities there), I will ask for a year off! I'm going to ask for a year off to go travelling, and then, should things not go to plan, I have a saftey net. I can come back. I could then see how things go, and while I'm travelling around, should things be going really well, and I don't end up wanting to come back, I can tell them, and it won't be too big of a deal. Work will already have someone there that knows my job and could possibly stay on. So, its win win!
So, lots of thoughts thrown around lately... Am really happy with the way things are playing out, and I have to keep my mind focused on the future, rather than the now. Its like looking to the horizon while drudging through the muck here...
Got to keep my eyes on the prize!


Ursula said...

Glad you got it all worked out and are focusing on the future.
There is light at the end of the tunnel!

Eileen said...

Sounds like a great plan! And I can thoroughly recommend Tim Finn's "Imaginary Kingdom" for a taste of some excellent New Zealand music to lift your spirits before you go - it even has a song about keeping your eyes on the horizon.