Monday, May 14, 2007

earth intruders

We are the earth intruders we are the sharp shooters
^The song I have stuck in my head today^

Saw the video clip on the weekend, and now I have it playing in my head. Its got a catchy little beat. We are the earth intruders... do do DO do do do

Monday monday... start of the week. Long week this week, well, 5 days. Its long, compared to the 4 day weeks we have had recently. I'm heading up to Noosa tomorrow and Wednesday. Going to the Noosa campus to help them out with setting up a new database. Hopefully it will all go smoothly. Have to help them set it all up and get everything working properly, merges working, categories set up, etc. etc. Get to stay in a hotel up there as well, company paid! Don't think its a really fancy one or close to the beach or anything, but still, might be nice...

Got lots of things I would like to start/do these days. Have been thinking, I might start a proper budget budget, strict. Shopping money, bill money etc. etc. I have sort of, kind of, always did have one, but I didn't actually write it down and set aside money for it... I might try it, see if that can get me back on the saving train...
Thinking I might start going to a spin class once or twice a week. If I can find a good one. Apparently in the new gym in the city they have the room painted with a streetscape of Rio De Janeiro! So I want to check that out. And it would be something different.. fun. Hard, but fun! I will try and get around to having a look at that this week, let you know if I go. The problem is, going to a gym... :/ Hmm.. you know what I mean?
Keep seeing all these great winter-ish clothes around lately. Not that we can really call it cold over here in Brisbane... but I want to add a few new wintery things to my wardrobe... wintery warm things. Maybe a pair of boots, some new work clothes. I'm so sick of wearing the same work clothes all the time. Yes its practical, but not very exciting! And there are all these great jackets and little jumpers and long sleeve *rubs hands with glee*

Heh.. yes.. feeling like i want to change some things. Just start doing some new things, and update things a little too. Is it still spring? Ah yes, maybe thats what it is... spring cleaning... ;)


Anonymous said...

WOW! Computer expert! You're so clever and capable! Enjoy the change!

Eileen said...

hey liz! how's noosa tonight? you should come for a visit to the usc if you get time - or maybe we can go for a swim after work? Water's still warm!

kerstin said...

such a catchy song alright! i had it singing all through a dream one night. :)

ahh spring spruce up! sounds fun & so do spin classes and winter woollies!

we're just heading into summer and i'm looking forward to wearing summer dresses.
