Monday, May 21, 2007

stopped in my tracks

What a lovely start to the week.
I got stranded on a train this morning. Well, not stranded... more stuck. Boarded my normal train, going to work quite happily, when there was this strange *pop* sound. "Hmm.. that was not normal..." After using the train system for 7 years, you get to know the sounds of the trains... that pop was definitely not right. Then we just start slowing down... and eventually stop.
Okay, so we're stopped, on the tracks between Brunswick Street and Central Station. Central station is my stop... a little frustrating. We sit there for a few minutes, and then the lights go out. Darkness. But at least the airconditioning is on. Not for long. The airconditioning turns off. Hmm.. this is not going to be pretty.
So, here we all are. A peak hour train, chock-a-block full of commuters on their way to work. We all pull out our mobiles and start calling and texting through to various workplaces. "Stuck on a train, will be late." 5 minutes pass... Then the airconditioning starts again. We all sigh in relief. At least we can breathe. Another 5 minutes, sitting in darkness. Some random puffs from the train, and then there is an announcement.
"Passengers, this train has a fault and we will be moving as soon as we can."
Well, duh!
Another 10 minutes tick by... people start getting anxious. Can see them looking around nervously, like they are about to press the emergency button and get out and walk. Another announcement.
"This train has broken down, and we will be moving on as soon as another train comes along to push us through to Central Station. Should be about 5 to 10 minutes. We apologise for any inconvencience caused."
That is repeated a few thousand times, obviously Queensland Rail want to cover their backs for the train's decision to break down.
Then finally a very big *bump*. Ah, that must be the train behind us... Slowly slowly we get pushed through to the next train. Reminds me of Thomas the Tank Engine! Hehehe.. when they have trains that break down, and Thomas comes along and pushes them through... Good ol' Thomas!
So, I get to Central, which normally takes me 10 minutes from my station, and this morning has taken about 45 minutes!
Gotta love Mondays!


kerstin said...

that sounds cute, being pushed by another train! gosh, i'm glad i wasn't there i think i woulda had a panic attack.
glad it all turned out okay. :)

lisbeth said...

Actually, its funny you mention that. Because I was thinking that! Haha. I was thinking how you would have gotten all nervous and stuff if you were there. There was a woman sitting opposite who freaked out a little... she started covering her nose and breathing through her hands, which was a little odd, because the air conditioning was working fine, after they put it back on. *shrug* But you definitely popped up in my thoughts!

Anonymous said...

What a start to the week - a bit of excitement and anxiety.
glad everything turned out o.k.