Had to take a very large, very heavy box full of brochures to the post office this morning. A work mate and I decided we were strong enough to carry it down ourselves, the post office is only around the corner, we could carry it there no problem! Ahem, right, we got to the street and realised it was a little bit heavier than we thought... Then we started giggling and laughing, which isn't the best thing you can do when you have to carry something quite heavy. So here we were, standing on the street, laughing and trying to hold onto this parcel which was rapidly slipping out of our hands, when this knight (businessman) came up and took it from our hands. *shock* He then carried the box to the post office for us, and was going to wait in the queue with us! Very chivalrous of him...
We ended up taking the package from him though, said our thanks and he rode off into the distance, (off to the coffee shop next door).
I tried to get Fiona to go over there and buy the coffee for him, as a token of our gratitude, and secretly trying to get Fiona to introduce herself... hehe. (matchmaking) But he disappeared by the time we had finished in the post office. *damn*
Gallantry is back!
a real knight in shining armour!
how delightful!
I know! Hehe, we were quite stunned as well...
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