Wednesday, August 02, 2006


You ever do something really childish and sooky? Hm.. I do, a bit too much for my liking.

Sometimes, I think I revert back to my childhood, and become really sulky.



kerstin said...

yep, i do that all the time!
the other week i hid from grown ups in the truck, it was soooooo childish, they came over and chatted too and i felt like the biggest idiot!


lisbeth said...

Haha! Yeah, well I got all sooky and sulky because Yohei didn't ask me to go travelling with him, even though, if he had of i wouldn't have been able to say yes anyway, because of work... but still was a sooky-la-la!! :}

kerstin said...

hehehee,'s funny how boy's bring the sookiness out of us.
