"talking only me and you, talking only me and you (insert whistling here)"
There is this song out, by these guys, Peter, Bjorn and John, and it is SOOOO catchy!
Its not an annoying catchy, well, it could get annoying, if I keep singing it... but at the moment, I'm liking it. :)
Quite happy go lucky really... lots and lots of whistling! I heard somebody whistling it today, here at work. Well, they were in the lift and they were whistling this song when the lift opened to let one of our many students out. He must work in one of the floors above.
Actually, I have a funny story... I think I may have told the story about the lift doors opening one day, and as some of our students got out, and I normally would say: "Good morning", the rest of the people in the lift (that were going to other floors) said before I got a chance: "Good morning!"
Well, last week I had to go to the post office quite late in the afternoon. So off I go, to the post office, and coming back, waiting for a lift on the ground floor... 'DING, Ah, here is the lift!' Lift doors open, and its full of people going home... As I wait for them all to pile out, one of them says: "Seeya Liz!"
*Stunned face*
Ah... how did you know my name? Who are you??
It was somebody that works on one of the floors above... Freaky! They know my name now too!
Yes, I am quite famous over here! For example, on Friday night, we went out for a few drinks after work, and we walked past the bar that is downstairs, and a woman stopped me and asked me if I work on Level 6... uh, yes I do.
I work on one of the floors above you, and I am just wondering if they annoy you as much as they annoy me?
Ah, sorry, what are you referring to? (Oh god, here we go again)
The people that study at your school! They're always scuffing their feet, and they walk along in big groups and don't move out of the way, and they're always scuffing their feet, and they press the lift buttons, and they don't pick up their feet when they walk.
Ahh, yeah... right. (Can't believe she has such a big problem with people that scuff their feet!)
I mean, I don't mean to be racist, but they're always scuffing their feet. And I just wanted to know if you get tired of them too.
Ah, yeah, sure, sometimes. Anyway, gotta go now, seeya! (leave me alone)
Damn being the face of Level 6, damn being the face of our building!!
Hahaha... ah.. the joy of it all!
*whistle whistle whistle*
Anyway, check out this song! Its called: Young Folks. This is their myspace site: Peter Bjorn and John :)
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
sleepy princess

Yap yap yap yap yap YAP YAP YAP YAP
Right above my bedroom. Piercing through the wooden floors, unable to be ignored. Yes, the owners are away again. There is someone that is staying in the guest bedroom, looking after the place and the dogs, but (lucky for him) he can sleep through Carlton's barking. I unfortunately was not sleeping as heavily as I normally do.
I could quite easily curl up under my desk and fall asleep... Ah, it looks so comfortable down there.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
blast from the past
The book I'm reading at the moment, is about a high-school reunion. A group of high-school friends meet 20 years after their graduation... And the weirdest thing happened to me this morning, I ran into someone I knew from high-school!
I went into one of the coffee shops that I usually get my morning caffeine hit from, and joined the end of the line, I turned around to adjust my bag on my shoulder and he was standing right behind me! Woah... He didn't recognise me, (must be the glasses.. heheh). Gave me all the goss on everybody from up there. Turns out most of the guys that were previously living up there, have moved down here to Brisbane! And that explains the run in I had the other week, walking around on my lunch break, I saw this guy out of the corner of my eye that looked remarkably like someone else I went to high-school with, I didn't go over and talk to him, but it turns out it was him...
Isn't it strange when you run into people from high-school or school? Its like, chat chat chat about people you remember... and then yeah.. move on...... heheh
I went into one of the coffee shops that I usually get my morning caffeine hit from, and joined the end of the line, I turned around to adjust my bag on my shoulder and he was standing right behind me! Woah... He didn't recognise me, (must be the glasses.. heheh). Gave me all the goss on everybody from up there. Turns out most of the guys that were previously living up there, have moved down here to Brisbane! And that explains the run in I had the other week, walking around on my lunch break, I saw this guy out of the corner of my eye that looked remarkably like someone else I went to high-school with, I didn't go over and talk to him, but it turns out it was him...
Isn't it strange when you run into people from high-school or school? Its like, chat chat chat about people you remember... and then yeah.. move on...... heheh
Thursday, October 19, 2006
little miss sunshine

G and I went to the movies last night, watched one of the funniest movies I have seen for a long time. Little Miss Sunshine.
Definitely have to recommend it to everyone... :)
I won't rave about it, because that tends to work against movies sometimes. When you hear a lot of hype about a movie, people saying how hilarious it is and then you get in there thinking its going to have you in hysterics the whole way through, and it turns out its not funny at all... So, yes, none of that here. Just a recommendation... to watch it if you get a chance.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
its begining to look a lot like ???
Feeling a little bit happy, a little bit excited.. Got a secret smile on my dial! I've had my little spat, and now things are going well again.
Secret smile, because its coming.... ;) What you ask??
I got a little flutter when I walked through the shopping centre today and saw all the Christmas decorations out, all red and green and sparkly and holidayish... :D I loooooOOOOOOve Christmas!
My favourite time of year... And its just around the corner!! HURRAH!!!!
A little early to get excited, but there is just so much to look forward to... :)
Secret smile, because its coming.... ;) What you ask??
I got a little flutter when I walked through the shopping centre today and saw all the Christmas decorations out, all red and green and sparkly and holidayish... :D I loooooOOOOOOve Christmas!
My favourite time of year... And its just around the corner!! HURRAH!!!!
A little early to get excited, but there is just so much to look forward to... :)
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
its all good
Haha, okay, thanks for all your worries and thoughts.. I am really fine. You know me, I've always had that "ever thinking brain" thing going on. Always thinking, tick tick tick. I just have times when I start to fret and things get too much. Its a bit like a kettle or something... I'm bubbling away quite happily, and then sometimes, I'll just boil over and start shrieking! Then after I've had my little freak out session, I calm down again, and things go back to normal.
Its all good... No worries anymore!!!
Its all good... No worries anymore!!!
Monday, October 16, 2006
damn my ticking mind
Ah... thinking too much again, giving myself headaches. Or maybe its my eyesight, or perhaps it was the lack of coffee yesterday... But I put it down to thinking too much.
It happens quite regularly. Pounding headaches above behind my eyes, forehead area. Like someone stabbing my head or something... Should probably get it checked out... but agh, that means going to the doctor!!
Worrying a little, stressing a little, thinking too much...
It happens quite regularly. Pounding headaches above behind my eyes, forehead area. Like someone stabbing my head or something... Should probably get it checked out... but agh, that means going to the doctor!!
Worrying a little, stressing a little, thinking too much...
Friday, October 13, 2006
black friday
The name "Friday" was derived from a Norse deity worshipped on the sixth day, known either as Frigg (goddess of marriage and fertility), or Freya (goddess of sex and fertility), or both, the two figures having become intertwined in the handing-down of myths over time (the etymology of "Friday" has been given both ways). Frigg/Freya corresponded to Venus, the goddess of love of the Romans, who named the sixth day of the week in her honor "dies Veneris."
Friday was actually considered quite lucky by pre-Christian Teutonic peoples, we are told — especially as a day to get married — because of its traditional association with love and fertility. All that changed when Christianity came along. The goddess of the sixth day — most likely Freya in this context, given that the cat was her sacred animal — was recast in post-pagan folklore as a witch, and her day became associated with evil doings.
Various legends developed in that vein, but one is of particular interest: As the story goes, the witches of the north used to observe their sabbath by gathering in a cemetery in the dark of the moon. On one such occasion the Friday goddess, Freya herself, came down from her sanctuary in the mountaintops and appeared before the group, who numbered only 12 at the time, and gave them one of her cats, after which the witches' coven — and, by tradition, every properly-formed coven since — comprised exactly 13.
* Twelve gods were invited to a banquet at Valhalla. Loki, the Evil One, god of mischief, had been left off the guest list but crashed the party, bringing the total number of attendees to 13. True to character, Loki raised hell by inciting Hod, the blind god of winter, to attack Balder the Good, who was a favorite of the gods. Hod took a spear of mistletoe offered by Loki and obediently hurled it at Balder, killing him instantly. All Valhalla grieved. And although one might take the moral of this story to be "Beware of uninvited guests bearing mistletoe," the Norse themselves apparently concluded that 13 people at a dinner party is just plain bad luck.
* More than 80 percent of high-rises lack a 13th floor. Many airports skip the 13th gate. Hospitals and hotels regularly have no room number 13.
* Both Friday and the number 13 were once closely associated with capital punishment. In British tradition, Friday was the conventional day for public hangings, and there were supposedly 13 steps leading up to the noose.
* The Turks so disliked the number 13 that it was practically expunged from their vocabulary (Brewer, 1894).
* If you have 13 letters in your name, it is said you will have the devil's luck (Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, Theodore Bundy and Albert De Salvo all have 13 letters in their names).
Enjoy your Black Friday and all its mystery! ;)
Friday was actually considered quite lucky by pre-Christian Teutonic peoples, we are told — especially as a day to get married — because of its traditional association with love and fertility. All that changed when Christianity came along. The goddess of the sixth day — most likely Freya in this context, given that the cat was her sacred animal — was recast in post-pagan folklore as a witch, and her day became associated with evil doings.
Various legends developed in that vein, but one is of particular interest: As the story goes, the witches of the north used to observe their sabbath by gathering in a cemetery in the dark of the moon. On one such occasion the Friday goddess, Freya herself, came down from her sanctuary in the mountaintops and appeared before the group, who numbered only 12 at the time, and gave them one of her cats, after which the witches' coven — and, by tradition, every properly-formed coven since — comprised exactly 13.
* Twelve gods were invited to a banquet at Valhalla. Loki, the Evil One, god of mischief, had been left off the guest list but crashed the party, bringing the total number of attendees to 13. True to character, Loki raised hell by inciting Hod, the blind god of winter, to attack Balder the Good, who was a favorite of the gods. Hod took a spear of mistletoe offered by Loki and obediently hurled it at Balder, killing him instantly. All Valhalla grieved. And although one might take the moral of this story to be "Beware of uninvited guests bearing mistletoe," the Norse themselves apparently concluded that 13 people at a dinner party is just plain bad luck.
* More than 80 percent of high-rises lack a 13th floor. Many airports skip the 13th gate. Hospitals and hotels regularly have no room number 13.
* Both Friday and the number 13 were once closely associated with capital punishment. In British tradition, Friday was the conventional day for public hangings, and there were supposedly 13 steps leading up to the noose.
* The Turks so disliked the number 13 that it was practically expunged from their vocabulary (Brewer, 1894).
* If you have 13 letters in your name, it is said you will have the devil's luck (Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, Theodore Bundy and Albert De Salvo all have 13 letters in their names).
Enjoy your Black Friday and all its mystery! ;)
Thursday, October 12, 2006
baker's delight

Any suggestions? Requests?
I of course, would not be able to bake them, seeing as I'm stuck here at work. But its fun thinking about what I could bake... heh.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
wicked witch of the west

I don't like doing it. It makes me feel like a right cow for doing it... but its something we have to do on orders from our Managing Director.
Its the worst part of my job... telling students to speak English. I sometimes wish I had a little pyschic ability to zap them everytime they spoke Korean/ Portugese/ Spanish/ Japanese/ Italian/ Hungarian/ Taiwanese/ Thai/ German/ French. Heheh... that would be fun! hahahaha!
Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday morning, a little difficult to get out of bed and come to work. Not too many new students this morning, so its not crazy busy or anything... But, one of the students, my god, she looks EXACTLY like Sofi from Howl's Moving Castle!
I am not kidding. She is a 61 year old French woman, and is a splitting image of Sofi from Howls Moving Castle. (Of course when she gets turned into the old woman). Exactly the same... I have to stop myself from staring at her too much, but its so weird. Its like she was the basis for the character design or something!
She is of course, from now on, going to be referred to as Sofi...
Sunday, October 08, 2006
spirit flight
I can hear the planes flying over my house, coming or going I don't know, but all I can think about is leaving.
Fly away... fly away to be together again.
Fly away... fly away to be together again.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
A little bored, a little slothful... Ok, so there are things i COULD be doing, but I am feeling a little lazy, so putting them off. Well, to be totally honest, I need to get the boss to check somethings before I can actually start the other things, and well, she's not here. So that is a pretty good excuse right?
Spending my morning doing small bursts of work, and then longer bursts of not-work! Haha... Looking things up, playing around, exploring flickr, writing in my blog, creating lists. You get the picture.
List of things I could be doing:
* Just not being at work
* Reading my book
* Buying a new Japanese textbook
* Studying the newly bought Japanese textbook
* Looking at, and possibly purchasing new clothes for work
* Being a beach girl (Yes, I don't know whats come over me, but I suddenly have this urge to go to the beach all the time...)
* Playing with a dog
* Writing a letter
* Baking
* Watching a movie
* Cleaning my house
* Washing my towels
* Hmm.. anything!
Spending my morning doing small bursts of work, and then longer bursts of not-work! Haha... Looking things up, playing around, exploring flickr, writing in my blog, creating lists. You get the picture.
List of things I could be doing:
* Just not being at work
* Reading my book
* Buying a new Japanese textbook
* Studying the newly bought Japanese textbook
* Looking at, and possibly purchasing new clothes for work
* Being a beach girl (Yes, I don't know whats come over me, but I suddenly have this urge to go to the beach all the time...)
* Playing with a dog
* Writing a letter
* Baking
* Watching a movie
* Cleaning my house
* Washing my towels
* Hmm.. anything!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Mulberry cravings
I feel like mulberries!! Yum yum yum! It just came over me then.. this wave of mulberry craving. I want I want I want!! ;)
I remember walking down to the mulberry bush at home and trying desperately to get them through the lantena. Mulberry stains all over our clothes and hands... ah! Using them as lipstick!! Heheh. And trying really hard not to think about grubs in them when you bite into them!
Wish I had a mulberry tree....
I remember walking down to the mulberry bush at home and trying desperately to get them through the lantena. Mulberry stains all over our clothes and hands... ah! Using them as lipstick!! Heheh. And trying really hard not to think about grubs in them when you bite into them!
Wish I had a mulberry tree....
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