That's me, the wicked witch of the west. We have an English Only Policy at school, (all students have to speak English while they are in school, or face consequences). Most of our students have been terrible lately with the English Only...and as a consequence, I have had to become the wicked witch of the west and tell them to get off the computers this afternoon. Its pretty hard to enforce, if we catch them speaking any other language they have to either: 1) wash dishes; 2) write an essay; or in my case 3) have the computer access switched off for the rest of the afternoon. I get the joy of the last one, because my desk is situated right in front of the computer area. And I hear them all day... most of the time I tell them a couple of times to speak English only, and give them warnings. I've only ever turned the computers off twice.
I don't like doing it. It makes me feel like a right cow for doing it... but its something we have to do on orders from our Managing Director.
Its the worst part of my job... telling students to speak English. I sometimes wish I had a little pyschic ability to zap them everytime they spoke Korean/ Portugese/ Spanish/ Japanese/ Italian/ Hungarian/ Taiwanese/ Thai/ German/ French. Heheh... that would be fun! hahahaha!
i like witches!
don't feel too bad, you're doing them a favor! You're the good witch. ehehee
you could have a little noise, bell, song or something that you could tinkle to 'tell' everyone to speak english.
or turn the lights on and off. hehee.
it must be annoying having to remind them all the time.
pyschic zapping sounds good too. ;p
i could zap the bears!
Pyschic zapping would be very good for that too!! Really must learn how to do that... ;)
I like witches too...
it's nearly halloween here!
i'm going to carve a pumpkin and hang a witch in our windoW!~
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