Friday, October 20, 2006

blast from the past

The book I'm reading at the moment, is about a high-school reunion. A group of high-school friends meet 20 years after their graduation... And the weirdest thing happened to me this morning, I ran into someone I knew from high-school!
I went into one of the coffee shops that I usually get my morning caffeine hit from, and joined the end of the line, I turned around to adjust my bag on my shoulder and he was standing right behind me! Woah... He didn't recognise me, (must be the glasses.. heheh). Gave me all the goss on everybody from up there. Turns out most of the guys that were previously living up there, have moved down here to Brisbane! And that explains the run in I had the other week, walking around on my lunch break, I saw this guy out of the corner of my eye that looked remarkably like someone else I went to high-school with, I didn't go over and talk to him, but it turns out it was him...
Isn't it strange when you run into people from high-school or school? Its like, chat chat chat about people you remember... and then yeah.. move on...... heheh


Anonymous said...

no chance of running into people from highschool for me! (thank goodness!)
it is wierd isn't it.
might be alright though, having a few more friends around. :)

Anonymous said...

p.s- awwwww, you're using your princess icon. ^_^

so pretty.