Saturday, December 29, 2007
I am moved, I am living somewhere new... Its really fantastic here. The new apartment is almost all set up... we still would like to get a few things such as shelves, and little tables etc. But the rest of it is all set up. Its so good. I am really relieved that its all finally done and dusted. I no longer have to worry about moving, or cleaning, or anything... so good. These past 2 days have been so great, just because I don't have that moving thing in the back of the mind.
Mateus and I are really loving it. It finally feels like we have somewhere thats our own, and can be ourselves completely without having to worry about timing or anything. Its really really good. We can actually relax and just be...
I am loving being so central to everything, its proving very very convenient. Just thinking that I don't have to catch a train home is bliss!
I even had my hair done today to celebrate! Again, finally... Feels much better being shorter and darker...
So things are settled, and I am feeling 100% better. Just have to shake this slight cold...
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
stressed i must be
Anyway... things are better now. The blisters have stopped growing.. and now I have what looks like a vampire bite on my neck. Just two dots... I like 'em... hehe... I vant to suck your blood!!! >:) muwahahahahah (do you like my evil laugh?)
I have started packing my house... its going well. Just have to pack the kitchen things, and some other random stuff that accumulates around the house. And clean... *groan* Might actually get a start on that tonight... cleaning the windows, maybe attempting to scrub the mould out of my shower... scrubbing the scum of the shower recess wall thing.. what is that called? Shower screen? Whatever... It will not be pretty... hehe.
Have even started Christmas shopping! Woo-hoo! Ahmm... for all those family members that are overseas... your presents will be late. SORRY!!! The rest are coming along nicely... ;)
So, things are coming along much better. I plan to be all packed up and ready for a quick move next week. Well, Christmas first... then come back to move on the Thursday. Thank you for all that have said they would help... tis much appreciated!! *hugs* I will make it up to you one day!!!! You just name it!!
I also have discovered some new music... I know I have been posting a few videos lately. Its what I've been doing at work lately... (We're pretty quiet at the moment, and I'm looking forward to having a week off. So I spend my days doing little bits of work interspersed with checking my email for the 157th time, checking blogs, checking flickr sites and checking facebook... haha, and finding favourites on etsy too... ;)). Anyway, my new discovery... heh... I love the film clip, and actually, the lyrics are really appropriate for what I went through in my recent breakup.. but anyway.. Bat for Lashes. My new discovery. Do a search sometime, I think you'd like her... :)
And now, the film clip: (P.S: I want my own bizarre bicycle posse!)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Its terrible.
I can't move in to my new place until the 24th of December. Yes... incredible timing. I was thinking I could move on the 24th, in the morning, and then go home for Christmas in the afternoon, or maybe just skip Christmas this year... but then I slapped myself around the head. Stupid! As if I could miss Christmas! So, I have now thought better, and decided to go home for Christmas and move afterwards... around the 27th or something. Just a little frustrating that I have to wait a month after I've been accepted for an apartment before I can actually move into it!
Anticipating a bit of revenge from my boss too.. hehe. Its our work Christmas party this Friday. And I did upload some hilarious shots of him walking around with a tie on his head for his birthday onto facebook. Hahah. Incredibly funny, although I believe I may have signed my own death warrant with that... hehe.. chuckle chuckle. It was worth it.
I don't really like living in this state of anticipation. I don't want to think about things too much, cause then I get all caught up in it and worked up. But at the same time, I know that if i don't start packing soon, I will end up in a little bit of a flurry when I do actually have to move. But, that will be okay, as long as I can get the whole moving and Christmas being at the same time.
Christmas shopping is a nightmare. I went out to get a secret santa present today for work and found myself glaring and muttering at the crowds. Arg... they are too slow. I need to get in and out, not wander through and look at things.. mutter mutter. Haha... When I have time to wander I will, but not when I have to get something quick on my lunch break...
Why are we waiting, slowly dehydrating... :)
Friday, November 30, 2007
movin' on up
Into the city. Actually, bit funny, into George's new apartment building! Heheh. Yes, there shall be much mischief! ;)
Yes, I have decided to move into the city. Moving into a two bedroom apartment which I will share. It's going to be great... As soon as I actually move. At the moment, it is a little exxy with all the bond and everything. But after I get in there, I will be making a huge saving with rent! Which I am REALLY looking forward to. At the moment we can't move in until the 21st of December, which is not the best time to be moving. But, we may be able to move in earlier if the current tenants will move out earlier. *hope*
Its going to be so good. I will be living around 5 minutes from work, and paying less rent, not paying for transport anymore... and yeah, right in the city, same building as George, which means I'll be a better sister... heheh ;)
My current landlords have been great about me moving, saying that I need not find a new tenant as they need the space for family visitors. They have also said just to tell them when I find a place and that is that. Sweet!
I think a move will be a good change for me. I realised that I have been living in the same place for 2 years already!! More than two years... thats the longest I've been in a place other than home home. I didn't even realise it had been so long... Definitely a good change.
Bit apprehensive about the move, mainly the packing. Not sure where to start. It has been a while since I moved, it all seems a little daunting. Like the cleaning... arg.. two years of accumulated dust I will need to get rid of... All I can say is, do not look under my bed... hahah!
It will be a big relief once I have actually settled... Cannot wait for that day.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
hide me
You know those days when you wake up and you can't stand yourself? Thats today... When you wake up in the morning to take a shower and realise that you feel disgusting today. You try not to think about it though, especially the fact that you feel flabby. Getting dressed is horrible. You can't think of anything that will look good. When you do finally decide on something, you put it on and then rip it off because it makes you feel worse and after digging through your cupboard you realise that you have nothing to wear that will alleviate this problem. GAR! Fine, so you throw on a shirt that covers yourself as best you can and try to assure yourself that it looks good. Then you look at yourself in the mirror and you look at your hair and realise that you need a haircut, your hair needs a colour and it has decided its not going to cooperate. You also don't look normal. Your face has meta morphed overnight to become something ugly and unrecognisable. But you swallow it all, you suck it up and you step out into the day trying to make out that you feel great. You look fabulous! HAH! What a joke, and you know it.
So you spend the day, trying to throw yourself into other things. Concentrate on other things, work, life, study, anything... Just don't think about it. But it is there, simmering away. Everytime you go past a shop window you see your reflection and can't help but cringe...
That is my day today... oh joy. This is of course worsened by the fact that I have only had 2 hours sleep and am starting to get a cold... oh j-o-y!
I've realised that this feeling is worse because my clothes are getting tatty... this skirt is fading fast, so are my shoes... I need a haircut and I know it, but at the moment, I have no time and funds are reserved for other needs. No new clothes, no new shoes, no haircut, no relief from this feeling. You have to battle it out...
Don't look at me today, I am not the best...
Monday, November 05, 2007
we should be letting go
Went to see this funky little band last night, called Fat Freddy's Drop. They're from Un-Zud (New Zealand). So much fun. Made me realise how much I have missed going out like that, rather than to clubs... Clubs are so overrated. Live music is so much better!
So, I have made a vow to go out and see more bands...less pop.
Its part of the changes I am making... the evolution of Liz. ;) heh
What else is changing? Well, small things... my hair for instance. It's got a new part. Very exciting I know... Apparently it makes a huge difference, from all the comments I've had about it. Which is nice.
Wardrobe evolution... that is a slow one, due to the fact that fashion these days is terrible and nothing like the things I would like to wear. But its all good... getting some assistance with that one and my confidence levels... ;) heheh
In the back of my mind is a relocation. Thinking of moving... My place is great, but I'm a little over it... That one is on the back of the line though. Its a big change, and as much as I would like to move, at the same time, my place is easy.
There is also someone else in my life too... He's great...
Things are very good... Fantastic I would even say! Definitely an improvement!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
3060 kilometres
Had a string of bad luck at the start of the trip... Beginning on Tuesday night, the eve before we flew out. Uh, I'm not sure how to say it, so I'm just going to be honest. Marcel and I, we aren't together anymore. Its a little complicated, but at the moment, I don't feel the same way anymore, and I told Marcel on the night before... It was difficult, and I wasn't sure about going, but we decided that we would go together and then... So, a turbulent start, to say the least.
Waking on Wednesday, after hardly any sleep (tears all night), I turned to Marcel and said that I was a little worried about the rental company accepting his drivers licence, its expired. My answer was: SHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTT!!! He had lent his drivers licence to a friend on the farm as an id to go out on the night before he came back to Brisbane and had not got it back from him! ARH! So, we paced and we fretted and we came up with an idea to use a fake one. Which meant, Marcel had to frantically call and message all his friends back in Brazil to scan their licence and send it over here... I know, illegal.. but we couldn't do anything else. Got one and he cut and paste his name over it, while I got ready, and then I finished it off while Marcel got ready. Haha... it was pretty good, it IS pretty good. Right, got that done just in time, and then we had to worry about where we were going to print it when we landed. We were already short on time between when we landed and picking up the van... Decided to worry about that when we got there and went off to the airport. Flight was delayed due to freak storms on Wednesday morning... which meant we would miss the pick up time for the van... But, that was kind of cool anyway, got to spend a night in Auckland. Anyway, we got there, and found an internet cafe with a colour printer. It must have looked so dodgy, haha, it WAS!! We had to print it 3 or 4 times to get the size right... I'm sure that the guy from the internet cafe was laughing at us... hahah. The licence was perfect though. The campervan rental accepted it easy. They didn't even look at it other than to get Marcel's date of birth and full name!!
Off we went, had a beautiful van... not the ones we asked for, but it is hard to get them. We had a van called Harakeke... I'll upload photos to my flickr.
Anyway, we set off and all was good. Went to the Bay of Islands, a beautiful coastal area at the top of the north island. Islands and reefs and diving and swimming with dolphins... Actually, we didn't swim with dolphins, was quite chilly! But it was pretty anyway. We drove around, found this perfect spot to camp, with this gorgeous view of a bay and lighthouse... beautiful! I walked around to see if there were signs saying not to camp, and there wasn't, which was perfect! Cooked dinner listening to a Maori meeting happening next door. Singing and chanting and things... was pretty cool. We set up the bed, went to sleep... peaceful... finally.
Only to be woken up at 6 in the morning by someone knocking on the door and informing us that we couldn't camp there!! GAR!!! It was 6 in the morning! Too late.. we had camped... haha.. Anyway, we said sorry, drove somewhere else, stopped on the side of the road and got some more sleep.
When we actually did wake up, we set off again, north. We wanted to go to the tip of the north island... Was pretty remote up there. Lots of trees... haha. Just over halfway there we realised we were running a little low on petrol... Hmm, okay, no worries I thought, there is a town coming up, surely there will be petrol... Nope, okay, maybe the next town... nope... okay.. lets not worry just yet.. surely there will be one.. AHA! SERVICE STATION! We pulled in, relieved that we had made it, only to see signs on the petrol pumps: Out of order. North, nothing, nada, zip, 0. Last petrol station is 60 kilometres south! I went in to see if there was something, anything.. turns out the petrol tanker hadn't been up there for a month or more... Ooooooookay. This is not good... Our only option was to travel south. So, we headed off, coasted most of the way... And rolled into a service station just on empty!
Right, so couldn't go to the top... no worries, there was this other place I thought would be cool, Ninety Mile Beach. Its 90 miles long, original name yes? haha... Alrighty, lets go there. We headed out there, and behind the beach was a small place to park and turn around. There was a bit of a road leading to nowhere, that we parked on, but then thought we should move, incase someone wanted to drive up there. Ha! WHO?? Anyway, we decided to park in this area just off the road that looked perfect, just down a little bank. No worries... Reversing, reversing, turning... Then we just stopped... Oh-oh. What was that noise...? We had reversed down a bank that was probably a bit to steep for us, and into soft sand! Crap. We tried digging and putting rocks under... nothing worked. I even got some english backpacking girls to come and help push, yeah, that was successful. Haha... We found this old sign on a fence up that road that we wanted to get off, said "no shooting".. thought we could wedge that under the wheel, perhaps it would give it a bit of grip. But no... that didn't work either. BUGGER! Stuck. So, I called the campervan company, and they gave me another number to call, called that number and they couldn't help, but they gave me a number of a company that could. Got the tow truck out, pretty fast, I think they thought we were actually on the beach, and that we would be in pretty deep water if the tide came up. Haha.. no, we were in a carpark thing behind the beach! Anyway, the guy hooked us up, and Marcel had to drive a little, only then the campervan started to tip over. It was pretty scary. Got a little worried... so did the tow guy, and Marcel... He got us out though, for a small price... but at least we weren't stuck there. Heh... When we got out, we did actually go to the beach. Was like a little highway actually. Ninety miles of sand... there were tour buses that TORE down the beach like a highway!! So fast... and as far as you could see was the same thing... straight, flat beach. And bluebottles. Water was freezing too.... And again, windy!
After that we headed south... Camped in a holiday park that night. So that we wouldn't be woken up at some ridiculous hour. Hah. The next day we headed around the coast south, and took a couple of wrong turns... We were going down this road, and I had this feeling it was wrong. So, we decided that we should turn around. But, country roads in New Zealand are rather narrow. There isn't much room either side of them... especially not if you've got a campervan! Saw a little area that had green grass on either side, we could probably turn around there... Pulled over, into the grass, stopped, changed into reverse... what was that noise...??? AGAIN?!! (Okay, this is where I threw my temper tantrum... kicking and screaming... haha.. loud enough that the whole valley we were in could have heard). Tried to get out and push and everything, but then we started slipping down the bank. There was a bank, and a drop, that if we went down, we would be screwed... Luckily, it wasn't far from a small road and a house, and luckily someone had just decided to go into town. I stopped him, and asked if he would be able to help... He got out of the car, and all I saw was Mr Martin! Haha.. Exactly the same! A dairy farmer, completely country, weather worn skin... same way of talking.. Very funny. He got us out no problems with his car... towed again. He advised us to stay on the roads from now on, everything was green and wet and muddy, too easy to get stuck, especially in our van. I noted that down, we agreed not to go on any earth material at all, no dirt, no grass, no sand, no rocks.. it was bitumen or nothing! Hahah. We did turn around in the end... and went all the way back, only to realise that we were going the right way. Haha.. great.
We drove on, and on and on, and on... south south south. Went down past Auckland... around to the east a little. We stopped in a couple of places, spent sleepless nights being blown around. The wind was so strong over there, it would rock the van at night! And there were people camping in tents!! Hahaha.. crazy!
We headed down into the thermal area, saw some mud.. and some craters... and smelt some sulpher... Lots of steam. Was pretty amazing actually. Very different landscape.
Headed down to Lake Taupo... which is where I bungy jumped... absolutely amazing. The craziest thing I've done. Bungy jumping is just what I thought. You can sky dive, and that is amazing, but if you really want to feel like your falling, do a bungy jump. You get up there, and look down... and woah... Its incredible. I jumped over a lake, so there was water below. Beautiful turquoise water with deep blue water around. 47 metres, its not the highest, there is one on the south island that is 150 metres or something ridiculous... So bit of a baby jump anyway.. only, it doesn't feel like it when your there! Was freezing cold, had started to rain and as always, windy! The feeling when you jump, I can't explain it. I jumped and I swear for a couple of milliseconds, I couldn't breath, I couldn't scream. Its like that feeling you get when you have the falling dreams just as you fall asleep. That little gasp... and then I started screaming. Hah.. And you go over, and the only thing you think is, I'm falling!!! Was amazing... I want to do it again actually! Hehe... check the video out at the bottom of this post... haha.. makes me laugh everytime.
Definitely the highlight...
We headed down to Wellington after that.. that city is quite cool indeed. Again, windy like all heck. The roaring forties or something tear through that area... And it is seriously windy... Everyday... I liked it there though. Was really nice. Think that would be a place I could live easily... heh. We spent a couple of days there, to have a break from driving. Was good.
After Wellington, we headed north, really quick actually. Saw a lot of beaches... A lot of farms. Cows next to the beach... very different to Australian beaches and the paperbark ugly hot bush you get here next to the beach. Over there, it was all dairy farms! Haha.
Anyway... Headed back, stayed in Raglan on the last night, this hippy surf-ish town that reminded me of Byron Bay a little. Was pretty nice there. It had a beach nearby that is pretty famous on the world surfing circuit, longest left hand break or something. Heh.. not sure.
So, back to Auckland, only to realise that maybe Marcel would be asked a lot of questions coming into Australia cause he didn't have his ticket out of Australia... Hmm.. stressed about that... But, it was all easy through customs. Then, home sweet home.
Good to be back.. still turbulent.
I have never cried so much in my life... but, I'm getting stronger... and sorting things out in my heart.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
better than
I've decided not to worry about what to do, stay here at this job, or go somewhere else, I'll just see what happens.
So, Byron Bay was fun. It was a last minute decision. Pam was taking her flatmate down there for his birthday, and I had nothing to do, so thought why not. Stayed in a backpackers, went to the beach, went out dancing, went to the beach... got a sunburnt foot... just a stripe on my foot. Very odd I know.. must have had sand covering the rest of it.
New Zealand is next week!! I've booked the flights and I've booked the van... Hopefully we'll get our preferred van. But, no matter which one we'll get it will be great.
We're still not sure where we'll go... I found a driving route that went all around the north island over 10 days, but everyone we talk to says the south island is the best, so we are now thinking of going there too. One slight problem is the fact that our return flight is from Auckland... which would mean driving back to Auckland from the south island after visiting it... hmm... So maybe, we'll just stick to the north island only. I'm of the opinion that we decide that after we get there. Much easier then, because, who knows, the north island could be really fun...
Back to my John Butler then... *funky dance outta here*
Monday, September 24, 2007
seven year itch
Well, I'm not married, but I have a feeling this 7 year itch applies to more than just marriages... I have been feeling like I need a change lately, as you all know from my recent posts. (Its practically all I talk about). Needing a change from this routine life I have found myself in. And I can't go past the coincidence that I have been living in Brisbane for 7 years... 7 years, and here I am with itchy feet!
I think thats living proof.
I'm actually really confused... I have no idea where to turn next.
You see, I was offered by GV to move to Noosa, and become part of a centralised Registration department for both Brisbane and Noosa. Which would mean, I would start working with the Registrar of Noosa, in Noosa and do all enrolments for Brisbane from there. It would mean I would move to Noosa... At first, I was jumping up and down, brilliant idea, exactly what I was thinking of doing, moving to the coast. But, unfortunately, I would be be paying a lot more in rent, and probably transport (definitely an issue there because I don't have a car, and would need to start learning), and as it stands, would be on the same salary. (Don't get me started on that, even though my manager has told me that if I moved off this Reception desk and became a Registrar I would get a pay rise... I think, because I would be moving to Noosa, they can get away with not giving me a pay rise)... (bollocks to that I say). But I still like the idea... I mean, it would be nice, for a change... The other issue would be Marcel. He has a lot of travelling over the coming months, and every time he comes back, he comes back to Brisbane. Would like to see him between his travelling, and also, his brother is coming to study in Brisbane from January. We would like to be here for him, and being in Noosa is not being here. So, I have said maybe, and am meant to be thinking about it.
Over the weekend though, I applied for two other positions at Griffith University. Fiona, who recently left GV to work for Griffith, sent these ads through to me to have a look, as a possible way out during the time I was having a lot of problems working here. At first, I thought I would apply, but then I thought again, and if I am planning to go travelling with Marcel soon, I probably shouldn't start a new job and then get a bad name for leaving after 4 or 5 months. So, then I decided not to apply... Then, I met up with Fiona on Friday afternoon, and she changed my mind again, saying that people never know what they will be doing, and I should give this a go if it will help with my boredom here... Anyway, she convinced me to apply, and so, applications have been sent, and answers received. (They will review the applications and contact me within the next 4 weeks). Now, this morning, I have thought again... and I think I shouldn't have applied. When I think about it, if I left GV now, and told them I was leaving to work for Griffith University, I have a feeling management here would be more than a little peeved off... Whereas, if I stuck it out here, and just focused on leaving next year, I could ask GV for a year off (possibly), so that I may leave to travel, and should things not go well, come back and have a safety net. But then, the thing is, do I really want to come back here...
Ahhh... too much thinking hurts my brain. Very confused... I want a change, but change will come next year, so maybe I should just stick it out until then...
Or, I could just concentrate on the upcoming holiday to New Zealand, and think about all this stuff after I come back... hehe
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Familiar thoughts running through my head again... I think I thought the same thing last year... Looking for a seachange. I had this brilliant idea the other week, things not going well here in Brisbane, feeling bored of BrisVegas, bored of work, bored of things, maybe its time for a seachange... Hey, there is an English school in Byron Bay, maybe I could get a job there! Haha... that would be fun! Or, anywhere near the beach... I have never lived near the beach before, maybe I should try it out for a little while. Could be just what I need.
And I have been feeling rather beachy, you know, wanting to smell like coconut and wear summer dresses, wear my hat, get new birkenstocks,... get some colour in my pasty white skin ;) hehe.. the good way of course, the non-skin cancer way... (tanning moisturiser)... anyway, beachy is my current "style" or phase or some such... I can hear the waves a callin'!
Or possibly I might perhaps maybe apply for a job at Griffith University... its basically my job, amplified... and renumeration is much better... Application must be in by Friday, and I'm toying with the idea of applying...
We'll see!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
dream big
Here I am, at Dreamworld, in the Big Brother house from 2007... hehe... I even pretended to run in like a real housemate... Funny funny!
So, Marcel and i went to Dreamworld yesterday, it was fun. Although, I was a little distraught when I practically ran to the Tower of Terror only to find it was closed for annual maintenance! Damn.... thats my favourite ride ever! I couldn't believe it! Plus, they have taken down the Thunderbolt... but replaced it with the Cyclone, which is just as fun, but still... No Tower of Terror! What is a speed freak like me to do? Hmm... went on the Cyclone for a couple of times... but its just not the same without the Tower of Terror... next time, next time... Perhaps I should try out the Superman Escape at Warner Brothers Movieworld. They say that goes from 0 to 100 in 2 seconds... that, I'm sure, could satisfy my need for speed... hehehehehe!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
inspire me
You know how there are people out there that quit their day jobs to pursue their passions? Start up their own fashion label, or start a cafe, or write a book... these kind of pursuits...
And I've been thinking and thinking.. if I had no restrictions, financial or experience wise, what would I do? Hmm... What would my calling be?
Would I start up my own cafe? Start a baking business, I've always loved baking, why not try and make something of it? Start a design company, I remember Erin, Jo and I had this brilliant idea to create t-shirts that were different, funny and so much better than the fashions that are out there at the moment! Run a B & B, wouldn't that be sweet... a little country B & B, a cottage somewhere.... Be a writer, always thought that would be fun, writing a witty little column in a magazine or a newspaper, or write a book. Run a scooter hire business in the south of France or in Italy or something.. (hehe).
But I'm wondering, what is it that I would be most suited for? All these things sound incredibly sweet, romantic, creative and fun... But are they me? So, I'm calling for ideas... Throw them at me... I need inspiration!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
looking ahead
Busy week, a lot of turmoil at work again. More change is on the cards, after Fi finished up on Friday. She has a new job, and will be on the lookout for the rest of us! Although, I don't really want to get another new job here in Brisbane... Looks like Pam and Robyn will be moving on soon too. Pam to Sydney, and Robyn... who knows yet. And then there are my plans. My plans... at the moment stand like this:
- Visit Marcel in Rockhampton for a few days in September
- Go to New Zealand in October for a week and a half
- Hand in my resignation, to finish up at the end of November
- Work somewhere, maybe go and plant with Marcel... or another job like that... leave Brisbane basically, and go somewhere to work work work and save save save.
- Be here when Marcel's brother arrives in January, help him settle in to life in Brisbane
I've already started, I've got 3 days holiday in September, and am just waiting to see where I can stay in Rockhampton. Then I'll book flights etc. But I'm spending most of my time looking up New Zealand now.. hah.. much more exciting than Rockhampton. I think I have things worked out. We'll head over to Auckland on the 10th of October, and rent a campervan to travel around the north island for 10 days. I have been trying to work out quotes and flights, where to travel to, what to do... But basically, I figure we'll just go with the flow. Then we'll fly back to Brisbane from Wellington on the 20th... 10 days. I can't wait!!! Found these cool campervans you can hire that have art painted all over them, pictures of The Wild Things from "Where the wild things are", Jimi Hendrix, Maori art... heaps of designs, and you get to choose which van you would prefer! Well, you tell them your top three designs, and if they are available, you get it! Pretty cool... But hard to decide which three!! Anyway, we're really excited about going to the Land of the Long White Cloud... So much to do!
And, when I come back, I will tell work about these round the world travel plans. I went through a bit of a "should I" / "shouldn't I" thing when it came to leaving work... But I have been given an answer. Instead of just handing in my resignation and leaving work for good, (I do have a lot of opportunities there), I will ask for a year off! I'm going to ask for a year off to go travelling, and then, should things not go to plan, I have a saftey net. I can come back. I could then see how things go, and while I'm travelling around, should things be going really well, and I don't end up wanting to come back, I can tell them, and it won't be too big of a deal. Work will already have someone there that knows my job and could possibly stay on. So, its win win!
So, lots of thoughts thrown around lately... Am really happy with the way things are playing out, and I have to keep my mind focused on the future, rather than the now. Its like looking to the horizon while drudging through the muck here...
Got to keep my eyes on the prize!
Monday, August 13, 2007
captain planet
Gone to plant trees again in Proserpine.
He flew out yesterday, and will be planting in Proserpine and then later move on, maybe south to Rockhampton. Not sure, it will depend on the contracts. Another two months of planting...
Another two months apart. *sigh* I would really like to go up and visit him again, but we'll see how things go. At the moment I am really trying to save... What for? Well... that is news in itself. ;)

But, anyway.. exciting plans hey? And, Marcel has also asked me to go with him to New Zealand for a few days... Which would be so cool! In October I think... It is his flight back to Brazil, but he will just go to New Zealand and come back. So, he has asked me to come over as well... Would love to... and I hope I can.
Would definitely be a lot better to go traveling with someone, and Marcel especially! While Marcel is away, we have decided, that I shall start the route planning... to keep my spirits up while he is gone. Its fun. STA Travel have this great site where you can plan your own route around the world. :) Where to go next?!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
tea time
Monday, July 30, 2007
So, my favourite exhibits were the tigers, and the elephants. And actually, the tasmanian devils and the wombats were pretty cute too. Hah, yeah, the tasmanian devils were cute. Mainly because there was one guy who was running around doing crazy laps of his enclosure.. haha. Provided much amusement for us all. And the wombats, we nicknamed athletic koalas... They are similar to koalas, because they sleep a lot, but they actually do get up and walk around... rather than the hundreds of koalas we saw sleeping.
Anyway, on to the elephants... They were so majestic. So gentle, which is surprising given their size. The keepers did say though, that they get really cheeky and try and break the electric fences and knock down other fences at night time. ;) Made me laugh... you can even feed them! Guess what they eat... sweet potato! haha.. so cute... Very slimey though, your hands are covered in slobber afterwards! Hehe... was hilarious, all these people walking around trying not to touch themselves because their hands are all wet with elephant spit! Hahaha!
The tigers were my absolute favourite. Did you know they are the biggest cats in the world? I always thought lions were, but it turns out that the tiger is the king of the cats. And, yes, they are HUGE! When we first went to the Tiger Temple, as it was called, they were all sleeping behind the bamboo. Bit disappointing. But we went back in the afternoon after the elephant feeding, and they were awake and jumping around and eating bones... The tiger enclosure is all glassed off, so you can stand right next to one, if it chooses to come up to the glass. Actually, I noticed quite a few scratch marks on the other side of those windows... *gulp* They were amazing, just amazing. Really really really big. And when they ran... far out, they were fast! Glad I wasn't what they were chasing! They had really beautiful eyes too... Yeah, you actually get to see them that close... it was amazing!
The Wildlife Warriors 101 show was really cool too... They actually have all these amazing birds flying around the stadium. Subsequently amazed that the birds didn't fly away... Brightly coloured macaws, and black cockatoos, doves, lorikeets, and other birds too. The black cockatoos were limelight stealers, they wanted the whole show to themselves. They were the last birds to come out, and they flew around the stadium landing on various little landing spots, and then at the end, when they were supposed to fly back to their keepers, they completely ignored them and kept flying around the stadium. So while the crocodile was doing his demonstration, there were two black cockatoos flying around trying to get everyone to look at them instead... hahah. Very funny!
Terri, Bindi and Robert are planning so much... The bus driver of the courtesy bus was saying that in five years they plan to be 500 hectares! (I think thats a lot...but I actually have no idea...) They will also have a Safari, where you can drive through, which makes me think that they will get lions eventually as well... (wow!) And, they will also have a train station, when the new Queensland Rail Sunshine Coast line is built. They are certainly putting a lot of effort into it! Very impressed also with the amount of conservation they promote. Everything... even in the fact that they have signs up advising against the consumption of native animals such as kangaroos and emus. Much to the dismay of Marcel... who practically spent the whole day walking around saying how he could really go with a kangaroo steak right now... hahaha... ;)
Anyway, I was very impressed with the whole place... Only problem was, the park closes at 4:30pm, and the train connection to Brisbane doesn't leave until 5:30pm, so you have to wait for an hour at Beerwah for the train. But again, Australia Zoo deliver, the bus driver points out the local RSL, local pub and local pizza place when you pull into the station. So, off we went to have a nice cold beer in Beerwah! ;)
Thursday, July 26, 2007
sushi, sashimi, tempura
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
got milk?
That would be the staff kitchen, or more specifically the staff fridge. Yes, the place to store your sustenance for the day ahead, although, be warned, you place something in there, and it becomes the property of the entire staff room.
Here at work, we have an issue with milk. Yes, milk. The school provides staff with long life milk, you know the stuff you buy in cartons? Yeah, that milk. Now, some people prefer to drink fresh milk. I can understand that, fresh milk is ahm.. fresher! Anyway, so, these people buy little cartons of fresh milk on their way to work and put them in the fridge here for their cereal, porridge, coffee etc. Only thing is, you put milk in this fridge, and inevitably other people will drink it. Now this has caused major arguments between staff, which has ended in malicious fights and overall evilness. For example, this morning, a staff member went to the kitchen this morning, to pour some delicious fresh milk over her cereal, and she discovered that her milk, which she had bought yesterday and left in the fridge unopened, had been opened, drunk and there was barely a drop left. She became incredibly irate and got more than a little angry at the other staff members. I walked through the staff room as she was giving the other staff a piece of her mind... Yikes, I'm glad I don't drink any of the milk (supplied or individually bought) or use that fridge. Came back to my desk, and thought, perhaps its because they don't realise that people buy that milk out of their own pocket, perhaps they don't realise which milk the school provides the staff, and thought, I should construct a sign to clearly state exactly which milk is for their use... Hehe. It follows:
The milk that the school provides staff is the long life full cream milk. If there is fresh milk, skim milk, specially imported yak milk, soy milk or anything else other than long life full cream milk in this fridge, someone has specifically bought it for their own personal use with their own money. If there is no long life full cream milk in this fridge, it may be found in the storeroom, in the grey cabinet. If there is no long life full cream milk in the grey cabinet, we have run out and it will be purchased shortly.
In the meantime, please do not drink the other milk in this fridge unless you wish to start WWIII. Thank you!
My creative outlet.. can you tell? It makes me laugh. I mean, its just milk.. but it really does create wars here. And I do understand it. The point is, you shouldn't touch anything in that fridge unless you put it in there yourself, or you know that the company provides it... And its the little things... :) Chuckle chuckle. The yak's milk reference comes from another incident. Individually bought milk was drunk, and so a sign was created for that particular carton. It went along the lines of: This milk was specially imported from Tibet. It is yak's milk that has travelled over the mountains, over oceans, deserts to get to Brisbane. If you drink it, you will die.
Hahaha. This is my amusement for the day... hahaha
Monday, July 09, 2007
uneaten tofu
Had about 50 people that paid and arrived, and must have been quite a few more that arrived throughout the day. Marcel is quite the BBQ organiser! He even found out that most of the language schools in Brisbane knew of it!! Word gets around, especially when your dealing with students!
They had music, and dancing.. ah yes. There is always dancing, which inevitably means that I end up trying to dance like the rest of them, and failing miserably. Haha, ok, maybe not miserably. Give me an easy step, and I got it, throw in a spin or a turn, and I loose it... haha. Anyway, its fun. Maybe one day I will be able to dance like the rest of them.
We ended up sneaking away at 8pm... Leaving the rest of them to party on. I didn't take any photos, sorry. But some of the other students took some, so maybe I will get some later.
Anyway, it was a good day. They enjoyed it a lot!
I have some other news. The Australian GV schools have compiled a DVD about studying at the various schools, Brisbane, Noosa and Sydney. And, they have uploaded it to youtube! So, you can check it out.. see the school, my friends, and workmates, and yes, there is a couple of brief shots of me in there.. ;) There are quite a few sections, Brisbane, Work & Play, Accommodation and Study Options... Check it out:
GV Brisbane on Youtube
Saturday, July 07, 2007
birthday roundup
Today is the day... BBQ!!
Have to go and get ready... E has very kindly donated her services as carrier.. haha. Will be helping us shop and take all the beer and food to Southbank. We have recruited a Colombian friend to go to Southbank and find a table to guard! We've got a list of 45 people, possibly more.. and we are expecting a lot more to come... so should be fun! I'll take my phone (which is so much better than carrying a camera around) so that I can take some pictures and post them tomorrow.
In the meantime, thank you for all your well wishes etc. I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
wombo lombo
Angelique Kidjo!
Now thats fun to dance to... ;)
Feeling really comfortable going to those classes now. Its fun... Haha, we were all laughing today because we were doing a chicken NIA dance. Now that is the best way to forget all the worries from your day! Hahaha!
Seriously, whatever problems you may have, if you start dancing around to Angelique Kidjo like a chicken, everything thats bothering you remarkably disappears!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I am sick. Actually, I don't feel so bad. My head gets a little heavy at night, and when I wake up, and I do have a bit of a sniffly nose. But I think the medicine works for those things...
What it doesn't work for, is my voice (or lack of). I've lost my voice. Started getting a little croaky yesterday at work, and by the end of the day, after talking to all the students and answering phones, it was well and truly on its way out. Woke up this morning without it. I am trying to find it again.. haha.
Actually, it was kind of cool when it first started. I had a husky voice... oooOo haha, normally I have a little light voice, so that was fun. Now its pretty much almost gone. Its just this wheeze/rasp thing. Which makes me laugh everytime I talk, which actually isn't all that great, because I can't laugh either.
Anyway, still smiling, so its not all bad.
I've been drinking lots of tea with honey and lemon, yes Mum I remember! And I've been gargling salty water too. Hopefully that will help. The worst thing is, I've realised I have a dry cough that gives you those horrible coughing fits. Oh joy.. I can't wait to go to work tomorrow! Most likely, I'll have one on the train, or somewhere really quiet with people around. I just had one before... I don't think I've had one of those fits for a few years. Absolutely nightmare worthy... The kind of coughing fits you get when you are sitting an exam or a test, or as I did when I was at university, in the library. Where you cough and cough and cough and cough and cough and it sounds like your going to die because you can't breathe, and your face becomes as red as a tomato, and your eyes start watering.. and in the worst case scenario your nose starts leaking too... And you start freaking out because you can't stop coughing, which makes you cough more, and the little itch just doesn't go away.
Well, I better get back to finding my voice... I wonder where its run off to?
Monday, June 25, 2007
I got through a whole Spin Class without taking a break! Woop woop! Okay, that is something to celebrate... It was hard, but I got through it. No stops when we did the uphill climbs at all! Am so impressed with myself.. or mainly my legs. Haha, they actually got through it!
Trust me, its a victory for me... ;)
And, I joined a fun little blog today, a secret fairy society. Where you send off little packages of goodies to different people around the world.. Well, I emailed and hopefully I'll be able to join. Anyway, the package exchange theme is: Tea Party! Yeah, its sweet... :) I'm looking forward to it already. Trying to think of little things I could send is fun... and to think that I will get something too! How sweet!
Packages are the best aren't they? Its really magic... And maybe thats just because I have memories of getting packages from Oma. The smarties in the tubes, and the little handkerchiefs etc. I remember.. vaguely, mainly I remember the feeling rather than what was inside.. other than the smarties!! Haha...
Definitely going to send out more packages and letters... :)
Monday, June 18, 2007
baby it's cold outside
Its winter! Just realised its winter... waking up in the morning in the dark, coming to work in the cold, and going home when its dark and cold. Winter is here! Which means I've cracked out my favourite jacket in the whole world... wearing it everyday! :) And my boots... I LOVE my boots! Heheh. They are my new stable shoes. I don't know how I'll go when it gets a bit warmer and I won't be able to wear them anymore... :( But for the moment, and probably for the next few months, they will be worn with pride!
We seem to have a lot of Robin Hoods studying at the moment. Hehe... lots of the students are walking around with their hoodies up. Its really quite cute. Lots of the South Americans aren't used to the cold, and seem to freeze. Not that it is really cold here, I mean, Brisbane winter isn't anything compared to Canada I'm sure... But they pull out all the warm clothes they can find: beanies, scarves, gloves, big warm jackets, hoodies.. the works!
I really like the cold snap. Apart from the time when you get out of the shower and have to stand naked in the cold while you hurriedly dry yourself and jump into some clothes. Thats the worst! But, I love the fact that everything becomes clear, the sky is REALLY blue, and the stars shine so bright at night time. And I love the way sound travels a lot further when its cold, or it seems to... everythings seems crisp. Crispy fresh!

Sunday, June 10, 2007
The caravan park was not in the town, so I was pretty much stranded. Stayed in a "try-hard caravan" cabin. Made out of weatherboard, with laminate wood walls interspersed with avocado green walls. The week went incredibly fast, which surprised us both. Rained for the first few days, which actually ended up stopping the teams from going out and planting, too wet! So, I got to spend two whole days with Marcel. We spent the days lying around listening to the rain falling and catching up, cooking and just being together. And I even got to spend the day with him today, before I had to leave to come back here anyway. It stormed and rained a lot while I was away.. and then it got REALLY cold. Absolutely freezing, and the "try-hard caravan" was not the warmest place in the world. I think it was colder than here, but then again, my house is a lot warmer!
Good to have another day off tomorrow.. looking forward to catching up with things, spending some time in Brisbane... Before being thrown back into work. Going to be another hectic week. Apparently they didn't cope so well while I was gone... oh joy. Looking forward to that.. NOT. But, at least, when I'm busy, the days go faster, which means these weeks apart will fly past. Marcel will hopefully be coming back in 3 or 4 weeks. Maybe more, depending on how much they work.
Counting down already!
*photos will be uploaded to flickr soon*
Friday, June 01, 2007
time out
I'm heading up north again, this time to Proserpine. I fly out tomorrow, for a week. I'll be back on Sunday afternoon.
Staying at the same place as Marcel, he's working again, staying at a caravan park. It'll be great to see him. Maybe I'll even get a chance to go to Airlie Beach, catch some sun and soak up the Whitsunday lifestyle... (I'll try and avoid the British backpackers though!)
Been another hectic week. Had a day up in Noosa again to help the Noosa staff with the new system. *groan* Had to bite my tongue, basically they just need to shut up and learn to do things using a different system, realise that they can't do things the way they used to anymore... Stop complaining about it, and actually think and take things on board.
Anyway, so that meant a day out of Brisbane, when I already had a busy enough week trying to get things ready for the week after while I'm away.
Managed to go to another Yoga class today. This one was harder! Different instructor, and he was pretty full on. Getting us to really stretch our limbs and actually pushing us into the positions. Well, by the end of the class, when we finally got a chance to relax, my body felt rather stretched... think I'll have to keep going to actually get the flexibility that it requires. Think I find it harder because my legs lock, bowlegged bend thing going on...
Right, so, have to go pack!
Back in a week!!
Monday, May 28, 2007
spin spin spin
I took a spin class this afternoon. The best way I can describe this class: sweat dripping off you, sore legs and red faced while riding a bike.
Really, its amazing... You get on and at first its all going well, can handle it, right, here I am, taking a spin class... ok, now they say to crank up the pressure, so its like your going up a hill... ok, can handle that. Full now, really going up a hill. And then they make you stand up..
Now, I don't know why, but I have never really got the whole standing up while riding a bike. Never mastered properly... So, it was quite a feat. And I am quite impressed that I managed to do it without falling off my bike, or stopping. Okay, so that isn't to say that I didn't have a break every now and then... Its unbelievable how hard you have to work in this class. I knew it would be hard, don't get me wrong, but still, to have sweat dripping off you, is just quite astonishing. Ok, so its not very pretty, but at least everyone else in the class is doing the exact same thing, dripping. Even the instructor, and he's the INSTRUCTOR! Hah!
Very happy to see everyone else red faced and dripping, its like a kinship!
The best thing about the class, is the music. They choose music that has a good beat, and you kind of just tune out and concentrate on that beat and pedal to it. Sounds strange, to be riding a bike to music, but it works really well. My favourite one was when they played Black Eyed Peas: Pump It. You had to do this really fast sprint during the chorus. I got my legs going so fast that I thought they were going to fly off!!
Managed to get through the class, legs were feeling a little weak after it though. Shaky. Walking down stairs was a little difficult.. you know that scene in Bridget Jones, when she gets off the bike and her legs give out. Haha, that was what I was thinking when I was walking down stairs.. oh christ, my legs are going to give out!! But they got me home alright.. done some more stretches just now. I hope I'm not so sore tomorrow that I can't walk.
I had planned to go to another class tomorrow during lunch... But I think you have to pace yourself with these spin classes. Maybe Thursday night instead... although thats when a dance class was on that I wanted to try out... (see what I mean about trying to decide which class to do, VERY DIFFICULT)
Ride baby ride!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
They turn off the lights, so its nice and dark and you can really relax. I have never done a proper Yoga class like that, always thought about it but never actually went. I like it. Will definitely schedule some more in.. :)
Something I just found out:

Hatha Yoga came from the words "ha" which means "sun" and "tha" which means "moon". It is often translated as the branch of Yoga that brings union of the pairs of opposites referring to the positive (sun) and negative (moon) currents in the system.
Just perfect!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Yes, you read right. I joined a g-y-m! WOAH! Never thought that would happen... But, this isn't your standard run of the (tread)mill gym... oh no. Its much much cooler. Because it offers a variety of classes, all sorts, such as Bellydancing, Dancing, NIA, Pilates, Yoga, Skip, Ride, and all sorts of other ones.
So, tonight, I tried out a NIA class. What is NIA you ask? Well it stands for Neuromuscular

So first class is a success!
Tomorrow I have an assessment. Yes, I have to meet with a trainer and they will have a look at my level of fitness and goals etc. The form you fill out at the start, when you join the gym, has a section where you are meant to circle your goals. Things like: increase endurance, increase tone, increase flexibility etc. etc. Well I looked along that list, thought, well yeah, that would be a plus, but they aren't really goals as such. I mainly just want to mix things up a bit. *shrug*
The most difficult thing is choosing which class to do!! Hah. I sat here last night with the timetable planning everything I could do. This class is on at that time, oh but that is when that class is on.. oh, I have to choose one!?! TOO HARD.
Friday, I have decided to try a yoga class.
Monday, I have planned to try out a spin/ride class. Thats the bike class I was really wanting to do. I peaked in through the window tonight as I left my class, they turn the lights out in there, so its nice and dark. They were working pretty hard! Lookin' forward to it actually... Is that insane? haha..
Monday, May 21, 2007
stopped in my tracks
I got stranded on a train this morning. Well, not stranded... more stuck. Boarded my normal train, going to work quite happily, when there was this strange *pop* sound. "Hmm.. that was not normal..." After using the train system for 7 years, you get to know the sounds of the trains... that pop was definitely not right. Then we just start slowing down... and eventually stop.
Okay, so we're stopped, on the tracks between Brunswick Street and Central Station. Central station is my stop... a little frustrating. We sit there for a few minutes, and then the lights go out. Darkness. But at least the airconditioning is on. Not for long. The airconditioning turns off. Hmm.. this is not going to be pretty.
So, here we all are. A peak hour train, chock-a-block full of commuters on their way to work. We all pull out our mobiles and start calling and texting through to various workplaces. "Stuck on a train, will be late." 5 minutes pass... Then the airconditioning starts again. We all sigh in relief. At least we can breathe. Another 5 minutes, sitting in darkness. Some random puffs from the train, and then there is an announcement.
"Passengers, this train has a fault and we will be moving as soon as we can."
Well, duh!
Another 10 minutes tick by... people start getting anxious. Can see them looking around nervously, like they are about to press the emergency button and get out and walk. Another announcement.
"This train has broken down, and we will be moving on as soon as another train comes along to push us through to Central Station. Should be about 5 to 10 minutes. We apologise for any inconvencience caused."
That is repeated a few thousand times, obviously Queensland Rail want to cover their backs for the train's decision to break down.
Then finally a very big *bump*. Ah, that must be the train behind us... Slowly slowly we get pushed through to the next train. Reminds me of Thomas the Tank Engine! Hehehe.. when they have trains that break down, and Thomas comes along and pushes them through... Good ol' Thomas!
So, I get to Central, which normally takes me 10 minutes from my station, and this morning has taken about 45 minutes!
Gotta love Mondays!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Booty-ful yes?
So, just a little stressed, I have a slight issue with a students visa that I was helping with his extension, friend of a friend... long story, hopefully he won't be booted (hah) out of the country. Taking two days in Noosa was great, however, I seem to be working for both schools now, Brisbane and Noosa. Just until they get their heads around the new system anyway. Plus, have to catch up with everything here in Brisbane... so working flat out! Thinking all the time of everything I need to do... busy busy bee.
Missing Marcel like crazy. At least when he was here I could see him and take some time out from work. Being together helped a lot... And, he has gone north north again, to Cooktown! His team and another team (that are the two top teams) went up there to work for 10 days. And it looks like I won't be able to talk to him either... can't get through to his mobile. Must be terrible phone coverage up there. *sigh* So I will miss him a lot more now.
I am planning to take a holiday in the first week of June. If I can... I might visit him up there, not in Cooktown, but when he goes south again to Proserpine, I might go to Airlie Beach for a week! Beach in winter... :)
I want to put my boots on now... I looooooooooOOOve them! ;)
Monday, May 14, 2007
earth intruders
^The song I have stuck in my head today^
Saw the video clip on the weekend, and now I have it playing in my head. Its got a catchy little beat. We are the earth intruders... do do DO do do do
Monday monday... start of the week. Long week this week, well, 5 days. Its long, compared to the 4 day weeks we have had recently. I'm heading up to Noosa tomorrow and Wednesday. Going to the Noosa campus to help them out with setting up a new database. Hopefully it will all go smoothly. Have to help them set it all up and get everything working properly, merges working, categories set up, etc. etc. Get to stay in a hotel up there as well, company paid! Don't think its a really fancy one or close to the beach or anything, but still, might be nice...
Got lots of things I would like to start/do these days. Have been thinking, I might start a proper budget budget, strict. Shopping money, bill money etc. etc. I have sort of, kind of, always did have one, but I didn't actually write it down and set aside money for it... I might try it, see if that can get me back on the saving train...
Thinking I might start going to a spin class once or twice a week. If I can find a good one. Apparently in the new gym in the city they have the room painted with a streetscape of Rio De Janeiro! So I want to check that out. And it would be something different.. fun. Hard, but fun! I will try and get around to having a look at that this week, let you know if I go. The problem is, going to a gym... :/ Hmm.. you know what I mean?
Keep seeing all these great winter-ish clothes around lately. Not that we can really call it cold over here in Brisbane... but I want to add a few new wintery things to my wardrobe... wintery warm things. Maybe a pair of boots, some new work clothes. I'm so sick of wearing the same work clothes all the time. Yes its practical, but not very exciting! And there are all these great jackets and little jumpers and long sleeve *rubs hands with glee*
Heh.. yes.. feeling like i want to change some things. Just start doing some new things, and update things a little too. Is it still spring? Ah yes, maybe thats what it is... spring cleaning... ;)
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
I don't know, just grumbly... got sprung with extra work today. Have to train people with the new system, which isn't hard to do, its just extra work that I don't feel like doing. Also tired of this job... tired of doing all this.
Tired of being apart.
Bored too. I have things I could do, like study or cleaning or other things... but buggered if I could be bothered.
I just feel grumbly.
Grumble grumble work grumble grumble study grumble grumble distance grumble grumble bored grumble grumble me
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Well, Mackay... what can I say... a little boring. But maybe thats because I spent most of the time there in Mackay bored and waiting around.
But the weekend was good. I actually stayed in a little town south of Mackay, called Sarina. Its next to the beach... well its a small beach. There are lots of industrial lots around there. Not sure, coal maybe (?), and fishing trawlers... At least I think they were fishing trawlers. So, it wasn't the most beautiful, but there was a beach!
Its quite a little multicultural community. The whole Eucalyptus planting gang are staying in a caravan park, Australians, New Zealanders, French, Swedish, Italians, Brazilians, Colombians... Very interesting mix. They all work 9 hour shifts, one beginning at 2am or 3am, depending on how hard they want to work and how much money they want to earn, until midday, and the other group work from midday to 9pm. Planting planting planting... all for wood.
They come back from work COVERED in mud and exhausted. They were pushing for me to go out for a shift with them.. heh.. maybe next time... ;)
I even had a full day with Marcel! I didn't expect it, he was meant to be working the whole time, but the tractor broke down on Sunday. Which was great because we got to spend the whole day together... :)
The teams will finish in that area in a week or so, and then they will move on. I think the next place is Cooktown, or somewhere... Might get a chance to see that part of Queensland too!
We're both concentrating on work to get through these weeks apart. Hopefully, it will pass quickly!
Looking forward to the next visit already!
Friday, May 04, 2007
I've never done anything thoughtlessly, this included. I know its hard to think of what may be in the future, but I have never had this feeling before...
We both feel this is everlasting. It is early to say that, but I can't explain the connection without the cynics stepping up and saying something cynical... heh
If my life should take this turn, I would like you to be confident in my choice... and happy for me. There is nothing more that I could ask for.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
northward bound
So, I've decided to go up there and visit him for the weekend. These weeks without him have been terrible, and its a perfect oportunity to go up and say hi!
I can't remember if I've ever been to Mackay... maybe when I was young? But, I am looking forward to it... not sure if its the prospect of getting away for the weekend, or just seeing Marcel again...hehe. Plus I believe there are some beautiful beaches up there, so I'll check them out. :)
Its been lonely without him around... and its a little unsettling to have to deal with distance again. Not my ideal... However, it has given me a great opportunity to get back into my TESOL course. I'm working my way through it, trying to build up my confidence to tackle some practical lessons here at work. The Director of Studies would love to have me teaching here... so, that is positive, just have to work up the courage to step inside the classroom as a t-e-a-c-h-e-r.
Its all well and good doing the front desk and occassionally helping students with English questions, but actually teaching an entire lesson, no, wait TWO lessons.. that turns me into a teeny tiny shy girl and I start to freak out about boring lessons, not being able to answer questions, getting too embarrassed and freezing up.. etc. etc. etc.
*deep breath*
One day, soonish, maybe, possibly.... :}
Have to finish the other side of the course before I start the teaching part anyway, so that gives me some time... hehehe
Sunday, April 22, 2007
belated post

The bridge... it was bigger than I thought, I was quite surprised. We even saw some people climbing it, actually they were climbing down. We walked right under it...

Here is a picture looking over to Luna Park, from Observatory Hill (or something). Not a bad view eh?

Bondi Beach! Couldn't visit Sydney without heading out there, even though it was FREEZING cold and windy and rainy... we still got there!

And then to Melbourne. Here is a little picture of St Kilda beach. We had perfect weather in Melbourne, not cold at all, and sunny! Spent the day at St Kilda soaking up the sunshine.
This picture isn't so great, its of the fire show outside the casino at Southbank. Its so cool! Basically its these big spires, that on the hour they spurt fire! heh.. is the easiest way I can describe it.. its brilliant. You can really feel the heat too.. gets really hot standing underneath them.
Flying home, beautiful clouds...

Who's this guy? Well, meet my boyfriend, Marcel. :)
Thursday, April 05, 2007
happy easter!
Friday, March 23, 2007
good morning charlie
I think it's quite hilarious, when you go to the hairdresser and you have to do the little small talk. Explain how your life has been in the past few weeks since you've last seen them, tell them all about your exciting plans... try and sum up everything in the space of a haircut. I particularly think its quite hilarious when they ask: "Are you going out tonight?"
Ah... now, if you say, yes that you will be, you can bet a million dollars the next line that comes out of the hairdresser's mouth will be: "Well, at least your hair will look good."
So, are you saying that the rest of me will not, or even worse, that I don't look good now??
:/ hmm... Yes, it happens every single time... Well at least your hair will look good... That has got to be the worst "innocent" put down I have ever heard. I wonder if they actually realise what it is they are actually saying?
Actually, you know, the next time they say that to me, I will ask them.. do you realise that you have just told me that I don't look good, and the only thing that does look good is (will be) my hair when you are done with it?
Heh, I bet that will put them in their places!
Muwahahah... Oh I can be evil sometimes!
You must remind me in May.. That is the next booking... Hehehe